
  • 网络atrioventricular valve;AV valve
  1. 心脏严重畸形的胎鼠中FN在缺损部位的间隔及房室瓣中的表达在胎龄后期比对照组相对增高。

    In cardiac malformation rat embryos the FN showed a relatively higher expression at the malformed locations , such as IVS and atrioventricular valves , during the late gestational age ( ED17-19 ) than that in control embryos .

  2. 汉族成人心脏右房室瓣连合区解剖类型和临床意义

    Anatomical types of commissural region among atrioventricular valves of Chinese Han nationality adults

  3. 胎儿出生后左心室舒张期房室瓣口血流速度A/E比值明显下降,主动脉瓣口血流峰速明显增快;右心室房室瓣口血流及肺动脉瓣口血流速度无明显变化。

    A / E ratio in mitral were obviously decreased and blood flow velocity of aortic valve were significantly increases in neonate .

  4. 结果8条犬成功制作ASD模型并封堵,超声显示封堵器位置固定良好,不影响右、左房室瓣功能。

    Results Eight dogs with puncture-produced ASD underwent ASD closing procedure successfully . The occluder showed no influence on the function of MV and AV demonstrated by echocardiogram .

  5. 共同房室瓣、三尖瓣附属组织跨越或嵌入到VSD和主动脉之间的区域、两个心室发育不平衡是我们选择改良Fontan的主要适应证。

    Common atrial-ventricular valve 、 the interference of the tricuspid valve and its apparatus between the VSD and the aorta , and the im ˉ balance of the two ventricles were the major indications in choosing Fontan operation .

  6. 房室瓣脱垂程度与心功能的关系肥厚梗阻性心肌病与二尖瓣病变及二尖瓣反流

    Relationship between degree of atrial - ventricular valve prolapse and cardiac function

  7. 中国人心脏房室瓣形态学的研究

    The study of morphology of atrioventricular valves of the heart in Chinese

  8. 特殊情况的左房室瓣球囊扩张术疗效分析

    The therapeutic effect analysis of percutaneous balloon mitral valvoplasty with special cases

  9. 左房室瓣由二个主瓣构成。

    The left atrio-ventricular ( mitral ) valve consisted of two main cusps .

  10. 继发性房间隔缺损合并房室瓣病变的外科治疗

    Surgical treatment of secondary atrial septal defect combined with mitral or tricuspid valve abnormality

  11. 右房室瓣环造影最佳投照体位的实验研究

    The optimal project position for demonstrating tricuspid annulus in angiography : an experimental study

  12. 房室瓣骑跨的形态分析

    Morphological analysis of overriding and straddling atrioventricular valves

  13. 保留左房室瓣结构的左房室瓣置换术

    Mitral valve replacement with preserving mitral structure

  14. 成人右房室瓣瓣叶分区与形态的解剖观测

    Anatomical observation of the region and forms of right atrioventricular valves of Chinese adults ' hearts

  15. 心室功能评估中房室瓣环组织多普勒波形的测定

    Doppler tissue imaging of velocity of mitral and tricuspid annular dynamics during assessment of ventricular function

  16. 他们可以产生“球阀”效应,引起房室瓣口间歇性关闭。

    They can produce a " ball valve " effect by intermittently occluding the atrioventricular valve orifice .

  17. 左房室瓣置换术中应用氨溴索患者血栓素及前列腺环素变化的研究

    The changes of TXB_2 and 6-keto-PGF_1a with using ambroxol in replacement of mitral valve in beating heart

  18. 结果右房室瓣瓣叶分为粗糙区、透明区、基底区。

    Results The right atrioventricular valve can be divided into rough region , transparent region and basin region .

  19. 经皮穿刺球囊二尖瓣成形术80例风湿性心脏病左房室瓣狭窄介入治疗疗效评价

    The Report of Percutaneous Balloon Mitral Valvuloplasty for 80 Patients with Mitral Stenosis Transcatheter therapy for rheumatic mitral stenosis

  20. 家禽的心脏传导系统比较特殊,它含有一个返回分支束,使右房室瓣受传导神经的支配。

    The conduction system in the avian heart is specialized and contains a recurrent bundle branch that innervates the right atrioventricular valve .

  21. 房或室间隔缺损的房室瓣和肺动脉瓣多普勒血流速度分析

    Analysis of Blood Flow Velocity Across Atrio-Ventricular Valve and Pulmonary Valve by Doppler Echocardiography in Patients of Atrial or Ventricular Septal Defect

  22. 方法对171个成人心脏右房室瓣瓣叶分区进行形态学测量。

    Methods The hearts of 171 Chinese adults were measured for the forms of the valve regions of the right atrioventricular valve .

  23. 10例完全型表现为心脏十字交叉结构缺如和共同房室瓣环;

    10 cases of complete atrioventricular septal defect demonstrated mainly an absence of the cardiac crux and a common atrioventricular valve ring ;

  24. 2组房室瓣开放747例、一侧房室瓣闭锁112例、一组共同房室瓣61例;

    As to atrial-ventricular valve , 747 cases were both opening , 112 cases had one-side atresia , and 61 cases had one together valve ;

  25. 方法12例均有右房室瓣赘生物,5例中度右房室瓣关闭不全,7例重度右房室瓣关闭不全。

    Methods Vegetations were found in all the 12 patients with right valvular insufficiency ( moderate in 5 cases and severe in 7 cases ) .

  26. 本文报道应用弹性合金钢丝作支架制成的生物瓣膜,为45名病人替换心脏房室瓣的经验。

    From April 1984 to April 1986 , 45 bioprosthetic valves mounted on flexible stent made of Elgiloy were used to replace heart atrio-ventricular valves .

  27. 观察到27例胎儿心脏血流动力学异常,其中9例核型分析结果异常(3例心动过缓,4例半月瓣返流,2例房室瓣返流)。

    Abnormal karyotypes were detected in 9 fetuses among 27 with abnormal hemodynamics ( 3 tachycardia , 4 semilunar valve regurgitation and 2 atrioventricular regurgitation ) .

  28. 而起搏器工作停止后恢复窦性心律一段时间心房扩大和房室瓣反流可逆转,并可改善心输出量。

    After stopping of pacemaker and restoration of sinus rhythm for six months atrial size and AV valvular regurgitation can decrease associated with increase of left ventricular stroke volume .

  29. 报告了134名7~14岁正常儿童多普勒超声心动图测定的房室瓣口和半月瓣口的血流参数结果。

    This paper reports intracardiac hemodynamic parameters in the orifice of atrioventricular and semilunar valves in 135 normal children aged 7 to 14 years measured by pulsed doppler echocardiography .

  30. 肺动脉高压、肺血管发育不良、房室瓣返流和心肌损伤是外科治疗复杂先心病的四大危险因素。

    Pulmonary hypertension , hypoplasia of pulmonary artery , myocardiac strain and the residual lesions were the major risk factors of surgical management of C CHD in this series .