
fáng liáng
  • beam
房梁[fáng liáng]
  1. 这根柱子支撑房梁。

    This strut braces the beam .

  2. 咱家房梁上这个人就是这样。

    The gentleman above the beam is such a man .

  3. 他的头撞到了低矮的房梁上。

    He bumped his head on the low beams of the house .

  4. 然而,这种木材依旧广泛应用于家具和房梁。

    This wood is , however , still much used for furniture , and for the strong beams of roofs .

  5. 我向你保证,如果有一天和平不再需要武器来维护,我就会为儿童医院开始生产建筑材料(brick砖,beam房梁)。

    I guarantee you the day weapons are no longer needed to keep the peace , I 'll start making bricks and beams for baby hospitals .

  6. 英国艺术家西蒙·伯奇(SimonBirch)坐在曼哈顿下城纽约证券交易所对面一个有防火房梁的宽敞房间里,身边是一张摇摇晃晃的桌子和三把颤颤巍巍的办公椅。

    Across the street from the New York Stock Exchange in Lower Manhattan , the British artist Simon Birch sat in a cavernous room with fireproofed girders , a rickety table and three wobbly office chairs for company .

  7. 泰勒将于9月29日在休斯敦的NRG体育馆举办演唱会,这里最便宜的票为160美元一张,房梁处座位的售价则为230美元,也就是说,平均一个粉丝来看演唱会要花400-500美元。

    At Houston 's NRG Stadium , where Swift plays Sept. 29 , the cheapest tickets are $ 160 apiece , with some seats listed high up in the rafters selling for $ 230 , meaning a young fan would have to pay between $ 400 - $ 500 for a pair of tickets to her show .

  8. 你看看这房梁上精致的木雕。

    Look at these beautiful wood carvings on the beams .

  9. 就在我跑向他的婴儿床的时候,我看到一根房梁就要倒下来,

    As I was running towards his crib , I saw a beam coming down

  10. 橡胶木和椰木胶合压制的房梁

    Glue-laminated beams of rubber wood and coconut wood

  11. 他们捕了满满一网鱼.挂满了蜘蛛网的房梁;

    They netted a good haul of fish . a beam draped with cobwebs ;

  12. 然后将顶板固定在房梁上,形成屋顶。

    Then a crest slab is fixed on the beam , which forms the roof .

  13. 房梁把我砸晕了。幸运的是,

    I was knocked unconscious but fortunately ,

  14. 这根柱子支撑房梁。栋梁支撑屋顶全重。

    This strut braces the beam . The timber carries the whole weight of the roof .

  15. 挂满了蜘蛛网的房梁;

    A beam draped with cobwebs ;

  16. 鸡栖在窗台上,鸽子扑腾上了房梁,

    The hens perched themselves on the window-sills , the pigeons fluttered up to the rafters ,

  17. 粗糙质朴的房梁之下,顾客们以去年的便宜价格畅饮美酒,沉静的夜晚也会瞬间变为即兴的舞蹈派对。

    patrons gather for libations at yesteryear prices and meditative evenings that become impromptu dance parties .

  18. 消防员叫大家站远点,因为房梁正在下落,很危险。

    The firemen asked the people to stay back , as there was danger from falling beams .

  19. 房梁把我砸晕了。幸运的是,消防员冲了进来,救了我们。

    I was knocked unconscious but fortunately , a fireman came in and saved both of us .

  20. 小偷听到这话,从房梁上跳到地上,跪在陈寔面前,请求原谅,决心做个有用的人。

    The thief , hearing this , hurriedly jumped down and knelt on the ground to beg forgiveness .

  21. 乡村风格的润饰如:暴露在外的房梁、木嵌板以及裸露的砖块是乡村风格的金字招牌。

    Rustic touches such as exposed beams , pine paneling , and exposed bricks are hallmarks of country style .

  22. 首都酒坊店里可以坐大约30人,室内可以看到裸露出来的砖块,顶部有木质房梁,灯吊得很低。

    The space , which fits about 30 people , features exposed brick , wood-beam ceilings and low lighting .

  23. 宋家厅堂房梁上的是一对刚从冬季迁徙中归来的金腰燕

    On the cielling of the Song 's living room a pair of red-rumped swallow newly arrive from their winter migration

  24. 如果把相关活动计算在内——如锻造房梁所使用的钢材、制造浴室使用的水槽——这个比例则会提高到33%。

    If related activities such as making steel for beams or manufacturing sinks for bathrooms are included , that figure jumps to 33 percent .

  25. 有一天,一个小贼溜进了他的房间,躲在房梁上等着陈寔去睡觉再下手。

    One day , a thief slipped into his living-room . Hiding behind the beam , the thief waited for Chen Shi to fall asleep .

  26. 就在我跑向他的婴儿床时,我看到一根房梁就要倒下来,我扑到他的床上,想护住他。

    As I was running toward his crib , I saw a beam coming down and I placed myself over him trying to protect him .

  27. 镇上许多房子和建筑前面都有雕刻的木头柱子,屋里还有独特的手绘房梁,让我感到敬畏。

    I was in awe of the particularly carved wooden pillars that were placed in front of many houses and buildings , and of the unique hand-painted beams inside them .

  28. 房梁雕饰别具一格,大致利用谐音造型和形象寓意手法,色彩则多以红色、赭石、黄色为主,给人以富贵堂皇之感,其高雅精美,堪称民居建筑的奇观。

    Unique carved beams generally use homophonic style and image of the moral approach . The color is mostly red , ocher yellow which gives a feeling of wealth and state .