
má yào
  • anesthetic
麻药 [má yào]
  • [anaesthetic] 麻醉剂,能产生麻醉作用的物质

  1. 结果A组全麻药用量较B组显著减少(P<0.05),血流动力学及血糖无明显变化(P>0.05);

    Results Group A was remarkably lower at the whole anesthetic consumption ( P < 0.05 ), the hemodynamics and the glucose changed indistinctively ( P > 0.05 ) .

  2. 结论:局麻药种类、软膏基质种类、软膏基质pH值的差异会影响透皮麻醉镇痛效果。

    Conclusion : The different kinds of local anesthetic and ointment base , the pH of ointment base can influence the efficiency of transdermal absorption and abirritation .

  3. 结论大鼠蛋白激酶C可以通过脊髓作用抑制局麻药外周神经阻滞的耐药反应的发生。

    Conclusion Spinal action of protein kinase C inhibitor prevents tachyphylaxis to local anesthetic block .

  4. 而B组在停麻药到拔管各指标变化与C组相似(P>0.05)。

    However , it is similar in every index in Group B as compared with Group C from stopping injection of drug to extubation .

  5. 局麻药在神经细胞引起的氧化应激后DNA的损伤及修复机制是如何?目前尚不明确。

    It is still not clear that the repair mechanism in nerve cells after oxidative stress and DNA damage caused by local anesthetics .

  6. n.麻醉剂;麻药麻醉剂的使用还不到一百年。

    anaesthetic The use of anesthetics is less than a hundred years old .

  7. 结果A组局麻药用量明显少于B组,感觉阻滞起效时间、阻滞完善时间明显短于B组。

    Results A group of local anesthetic dosage was less than B group , sensory block onset time , improve the time of arrest was significantly shorter in the B group .

  8. 记录平均动脉压(MAP)、心率(HR)、全麻药用量及术毕清醒时间。

    Measured and recorded the mean artery pressure ( MAP ), heart rate ( HR ), general anesthetic dosage and the duration of postoperative revival .

  9. 记录在围麻醉期两组患者的平均动脉压(MAP)、心率(HR)、全麻药用量、术后苏醒时间、苏醒质量和拔管时间,并进行比较。

    Mean artery pressure ( MAP ), heart rate ( HR ), general anesthesia drug dosage , time of postoperative revival and extubation were recorded .

  10. 美国康涅狄格州一名男子索要天使粉(PCP,一种麻药、致幻剂)时击伤一名警察、并咬伤了警犬。

    A Connecticut man searching for some PCP attacked a police officer and bit his dog .

  11. 显然位于神经细胞上的GABA接收器是让麻药起作用的原因之一。

    Clearly , GABA receptor sites on nerve cells are part of what allows anesthetics to do their job .

  12. 全麻药对胃癌病人围手术期IL-6、皮质醇、胰岛素和血糖的影响

    Effects of General Anesthetics on Serum IL-6 , Cortisol , Insulin and Blood Sugar in Patients of Carcinoma of Stomach During the Perioperative Process

  13. 观察不同中医证型患者所需全麻药MAC,为临床筛选针刺麻醉适宜对象提供参考。

    To investigate the general anesthesia MAC that patients with different syndromes needed , to provide reference to screening the suitable objects for acupuncture anesthesia in clinic .

  14. 为了证明这点,他们用基因改造过的老鼠做实验,这种老鼠身上的GABA接收器对麻药免疫。

    To do this they worked with mice that had been genetically engineered to have nerve cells with GABA receptors that wouldn 't respond to anesthetics .

  15. 罗哌卡因(Ropivacaine,RP)是一种新型、长效的纯左旋体酰胺类局麻药,其理化特性类似布比卡因;

    Ropivacaine ( RP ) is a new , long-acting , pure S-enantiomer amide local anesthetic . The physicochemical properties of ropivacaine and bupivacaine are similar .

  16. 复合组患者的MAP、HR、全麻药用量、术后苏醒时间和拔管时间均明显低于全麻组(P<0.05或P<0.01.)

    MAP , HR , general anesthesia drug dosage , time of postoperative revival and extubation in combined anesthesia group were lower than that in general anesthesia group ( P < 0.05 or P < 0.01 ) .

  17. 结果:GEA组较GA组全麻药用量少,苏醒快,躁动和催醒例数少,血压较GA组明显低,HR也相对较慢(P<0.05)。

    Results : The dosage of drug for general anesthesia and the cases of awake , restless and inducing awake lower in GEA than in GA ( P < 0.05 ) .

  18. 结论静吸复合麻醉中使用芬太尼3&7μg·kg-1可降低SEF、BIS,增强全麻深度,明显减少全麻药的用量。

    Conclusions Intravenous fentanyl of 3-7 μ g. kg-1 can depress SEF and BIS during combined anesthesia , indicating to deepen the depth of anesthesia and reduce the requirements of other anesthetics .

  19. 假设全身麻醉是将麻药和在神经细胞上的GABA接收器绑定在一起,从而激活接收器,然后再传达闭接收功能的指令关的。

    The hypothesis was that general anesthesia works by binding to GABA receptors on a nerve cell , thereby activating the receptor and instructing the cell to shut down .

  20. 观察组局麻药为2%利多卡因20ml加入麻黄碱15mg(0.075%)。

    Local anesthetic of research group was 2 % Lidocaine and Ephedrine 15mg ( 0.075 % ) .

  21. 目的观察几种长效局麻药对多形核中性粒细胞(PMN)释放氧自由基的抑制作用。

    Objective To study the inhibitory effects of some local anesthetics on oxygen free radicals generation of polymorphonuclear neutrophils ( PMNs ) and its possible mechanisms .

  22. RF组与S组的起效时间和首剂持续时间无显著性差异(P>0.05);RF组局麻药总用量明显少于R组(P<0.01)。

    There was no significant difference between group RF and group S ( P > 0.05 ) and the total dose of local anesthetic in group RF was significant less than that in group R ( P < 0.01 ) .

  23. 在这部惊悚片中,劳伦斯奥利弗(LaurenceOlivier)饰演的牙医曾是一名战犯,他用牙钻钻动着达斯汀霍夫曼(DustinHoffman)的牙神经,却不给他使用麻药。

    In this cult-thriller , Laurence Olivier plays a war criminal turned dentist who tortures Dustin Hoffman by drilling through his dental nerves without anaesthetic .

  24. 即注入局麻药试验剂量3mL,记录注药后肌肉收缩消失时间。固定穿刺针,继续注射剩余药量。

    Local anesthetic ( 3 mL ) was injected immediately , and the diminished time of muscle contraction after injection was recorded .

  25. 术后硬膜外给予10ml各自预设浓度局麻药或+芬太尼(2μg/ml),进行术后硬膜外镇痛。

    All patients received postoperative epidural analgesia with 10ml local anesthetics of different concent rat ion with or without fentanyl ( 2M-g / ml ) .

  26. 然而相同的公斤体重容积在不同的个体中其阻滞范围存在差异,无一例发生局麻药中毒,10例存在呼吸抑制,其余SpO2维持在98%±1%,术中亦无明显的血流动力学改变。

    There was not a case had local anesthetic toxicity . Ten cases appeared respiratory depression . The SpO2 remained 98 ± 1 % and there was no significant hemo-dynamic changes .

  27. 分别监测术前、全麻诱导后、插管后5min及术毕的血流动力学,观察两组全麻药用量及血糖变化情况。

    Monitoring the hemodynamics before operation , after inducing 5 minutes and when the operation finished , observe the whole anesthetic consumption , the hemodynamics and the glucose changing .

  28. 目的测定腋路臂丛置管用于屈肌腱功能锻炼时左旋布比卡因的最低局麻药镇痛浓度(MLAC)。

    Objective To study and assess the minimum local analgesic concentration ( MLAC ) of levobupivacaine for continuous axillary brachial plexus block in active mobilization of flexor tendon .

  29. 结论:老年患者全麻诱导期BIS监测下异丙酚TCI输注复合硬膜外阻滞,可明显减少异丙酚的用量,缩短意识消失所需时间,减轻插管反应,降低全麻药可能引起的副作用。

    Conclusion : Propofol target-controlled infusion epidural anesthesia during induction of general anesthesia combined epidural anesthesia in elderly patients can be significantly decrease the dose of propofol and time of consciousness disappear , suppress the response to tracheal intubation and debase the possible side-effect of general anesthesia drugs .

  30. 两组分别用0.75%利多卡因加0.25%罗比卡因10ml和0.75%利多卡因加0.25%布比卡因10ml阻滞颈深丛神经,随后分别以相同浓度局麻药液10ml阻滞颈浅丛神经,观察麻醉效果及并发症发生情况。

    In both groups the cervical plexus were blocked with 10 ml of 0.75 % lidocaine , 0.25 % ropivacaine and 10 ml of 0.75 % lidocaine , 0.25 % bupivacaine respectively . The effect of cervical plexus block and the side effects were observed .