
má zuì yī shenɡ
  • Anesthesiologist;anesthetist
  1. 麻醉医生与人文关怀

    Anesthetist and Humane Care

  2. 麻醉医生只有富于人文修养,方能营造良好的医患关系。

    Anesthetist with hight level of humanistic aptitude can enjoy good doctor-patient relationship .

  3. 导致SLE发病和死亡的原因中,麻醉医生关心哪些内容?

    What causes of SLE morbidity and mortality are important to the anesthesiologist ?

  4. 前言:目的:探讨人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染者手术过程中麻醉医生自我保护的相关问题。

    Objective : To study the related problems of autogenous protection for anestheltist during the operation of human immunodeficiency virus ( HIV ) positive paitients .

  5. 麻醉医生DavidBurton和JoJago将它麻醉了三小时,之后眼科顾问医生JimCarter和助手JohnLewis开始了这台精细的手术。

    The huge creature was put under by anaesthetists David Burton and Jo Jago for around three hours , while the delicate operation was carried out by consultant opthamologist Jim Carter and assistant John Lewis .

  6. 目的本综述通过研究CRS-HIPEC的病理生理改变,旨在为临床麻醉医生围麻醉期处理提供参考。

    Objective This review is aimed to provide anesthesiologists with clinic reference about periaenesthetic management by summarizing the physiopathological changes during CRS-HIPEC .

  7. 麻醉医生把你对他的所作所为告诉他父母了。

    The anesthesiologist told the parents what you did .

  8. 趋向麻醉医生应当明确多种非麻醉因素可导致外周神经并发症。

    Trend Anesthesiologists should notice many kinds of nonanaesthesia factors can cause postoperative peripheral neuropathies .

  9. 结论哌替啶在人流中的止痛效果好,简便易行,并且不需要麻醉医生的参与。

    Conclusion The pethidine could reach the better analgesia effect with safe and easy that unnecessary anesthetist .

  10. 作为麻醉医生,与患者的接触通常仅限于围手术期。

    As an anesthesiologist , the time to communicate with patients is limited just in perioperative period .

  11. 人种和道德在疼痛医疗质量中的差异:麻醉医生呼吁行动。

    Racial and ethnic disparities in the quality of pain care : the anesthesiologist 's call to action .

  12. 麻醉医生所收的服务费,大约为手术费的百分之二十。

    An amount charged for the services of an anesthesiologist , about 20 percent of the surgeon 's fee .

  13. 因为可能你的床位医生或麻醉医生是在你的保险计划覆盖的,但你的放射医生却可能不在你的保险公司签约下,那你就要自己付费了。

    Because while your doctor or anesthesiologist might be covered , the radiologist might not be , and then that 's money that you 're paying out of pocket .

  14. 为此,她付出了代价。在她后来的职业生涯中,她一连好多年都奋力抗争,拒绝为一位麻醉医生工作,在几个手术中也出了些问题。

    Later in her career , it cost her , after she had fought for years to avoid going to work for an MD anesthesiologist and had some problems with a couple of her operations .

  15. 但是因为麻醉医生不但要处理患者的各种生理和心理问题,还要选择合适的麻醉药以减少对术中脑电监测的影响,所以癫痫手术的麻醉是对麻醉医生的一个挑战。

    But anesthesia for epilepsy surgery is a challenge to anesthetists since we have to deal with various kinds of physical and psychological problems in patients and choose proper anesthetics to minimize their influences on EEG monitor during operation .

  16. 麻醉师是专门训练来给病人实施麻醉的医生。

    An anesthesiologist is a doctor specially trained to give anesthesia .

  17. 这是一个为期3天的密集超声车间向麻醉科医生提供以往的经验与超声引导下神经阻滞。

    This is a3-day intensive ultrasound workshop offered to anesthesiologists who have prior experience with ultrasound-guided nerve blocks .

  18. 有效缓解疼痛,提高患者的生活质量,是麻醉科医生当前面临的主要课题。

    The main problem we have to face is to alleviate pain effectively and improve the quality of life of the patients .

  19. 提高麻醉系实习医生对特殊气道处理的认识

    Increase cognition an intern of anaesthesiology for air duct treated

  20. 如何提高麻醉专业实习医生的动脉穿刺技能

    How to improve the skill of artery cannulation in internships of anesthesiology

  21. 麻醉科进修医生临床带教的体会

    Clinical teaching experience of refresher doctor of anesthetic department

  22. 结果:全科教师认真执行上述教学计划,注意实际与理论结合,麻醉科实习医生的临床和科研能力合格,达到一定水平,圆满毕业。

    Results : All faculties execute the plan carefully , and all the interns graduate with clinical and research ability as expected .

  23. 基于小儿解剖生理特点以及小儿腹腔镜手术的特点,小儿腹腔镜手术的麻醉已成为麻醉医生所面临的一个重要课题。

    For anesthetist , anesthesia of such operation has become one of the important tasks for these anatomical and physiological characteristics of the child and laparoscopic operation itself .

  24. 该医院麻醉科执业助理医生严某在张某的要求下,先由张某为梁某推注麻药,后改由严某推注。其后,刘某为梁某进行了拔牙。

    The hospital anesthesiology assistant practicing doctors under certain strict requirements Zhang , first by Zhang bolus of local anesthetic , after a bolus replaced by Yan Subsequently , Liu carried out for the extraction .

  25. 麻醉深度一直是麻醉医生所关注的问题。

    The depth of anesthetic is always an important thing that doctors concerned .

  26. 因此在很多临床领域都得到广泛应用,尤其在麻醉辅助用药方面,为麻醉医生提供了一种新的选择。

    Therefore it has applications in many fields of clinical medicine , especially as an adjuvant in anesthesia , providing the anesthesiologist a new choice .

  27. 模拟教学在中国医生学习过程中可能所获得的地位正是和目前在美国毕业后医学教育认证委员会,美国麻醉学会和美国麻醉委员会在住院医生培训以及麻醉医生资格证书维护中的理念是呼应的。

    The focus of what place simulation might gain in learning for the Chinese is right in sync with the current philosophy of the ACGME , ASA and ABA with residency education and MOCA in the US .