
  • 网络anesthesia;narcosis;narcotization
  1. 方法:维持大鼠于浅麻醉状态。

    Method : The rats were keeped in light narcosis .

  2. 结论:静注LPS能够复制出稳定时间较长的麻醉状态下绵羊ARDS模型。

    Conclusions : A prolonged ARDS sheep model could be set up by intravenous LPS challenge under anesthesia state .

  3. 24h后麻醉状态下处死取材。

    After 24 hours under drugged state the rats were killed to gain materials .

  4. 发现在麻醉状态下,酮舍林对SAD和假手术大鼠均有显著的降压作用,且它们的量-效曲线完全重合。

    It was found that the dose-effect curves of kelanserin on blood pressure were the same between SAD and sham-operated rats under anaesthesia .

  5. 麻醉状态下抽屉试验及Lachman试验呈阴性。

    The palpation by hook and Lachman test showed negative results .

  6. 目的:探讨建立静注内毒素致麻醉状态下绵羊急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)模型的方法。

    Objective : To establish an acute respiratory distress syndrome ( ARDS ) model in sheep under anesthesia state by intravenous lipopolysaccharide ( LPS ) challenge .

  7. 干预:雄性SD大鼠,腹腔注射水合氯醛0.5mL,处于深度麻醉状态,脑电平稳后,将贝美格注射液稀释一倍,腹腔注射0.5mL。

    INTERVENTIONS : After intraperitoneal injection of chloral hydrate ( 0.5 mL ), the male SD rats were deeply anesthetized .

  8. 结果发现豚鼠在清醒状态下其DPOAE幅值和I/O曲线斜率与正常剂量麻醉状态下相比无显著性差异(P>0.05)。

    It was found that the amplitude of DPOAE and I / O curves did not show difference in the guinea pigs under awake and anesthetics conditions .

  9. 方法采用成年雌性大鼠,在浅麻醉状态下记录充胀直肠(CRD)引起的腹肌放电活动,即内脏运动反应(VMR);

    Methods The visceromotor responses ( VMR ) evoked by repeated colorectal distention ( CRD ) were monitored in lightly anesthetized adult female rats .

  10. 结果发现,在麻醉状态下,腺苷A1受体基因敲除(A1R-/-)小鼠的血压显著高于野生型(WT)小鼠,这种趋势不因给予NECA而发生改变。

    Results showed blood pressure was much higher in adenosine A1 receptor knockout ( A1R - / - ) mice under anesthesia , but variability induced by NECA was unaltered .

  11. 目的观察电针对麻醉状态下正常和东莨菪碱引起的学习记忆减退模型大鼠海马突触EPSP长时程增强(LTP)的作用。

    OBJECTIVE To observe the effect of electrical acupuncture on long-term potentiation ( LTP ) of excitatory postsynaptic potential ( EPSP ) of normal rats and rats with hypomnesia induced by scopolamine .

  12. 免疫组织化学检查:各组豚鼠麻醉状态下行第二次DPOAE检测后,麻醉下开胸,4℃生理盐水经心脏灌流,冲出全部红细胞后4%多聚甲醛灌流固定。

    All animals from each group were sacrificed after the 2nd DPOAE measurement and fixed via cardiac perfusion with 4 % paraformaldehyde after flushing out the red blood cells with 0 . 1 m PBS .

  13. 根据实验结果推测,麻醉状态大鼠肝脏的热耐受性大于清醒大鼠:大鼠的热休克反应受整体水平和细胞水平的双重调控,并涉及除HSP70合成以外的其他生化活动。

    It was inferred that the anesthetic rat livers had a higher heat-resistance than the sober rat livers , and that the stress response was regulated by oth cells and whole body , which also involved in other physiological and biochemical actions in addition to the heat shock protein synthesis .

  14. 用生理多导仪分别记录麻醉状态下正常犬脑脊液压力(CSFP)和麻醉状态下蛛网膜下腔注射造影剂时CSFP、呼吸和心跳的动态变化。

    Cerebrospinal fluid pressure ( CSFP ), respiration and palpitation of ten healthy miniature dogs respectively recorded on the condition of anesthesia and injecting contrast media ( OMNIPAQUE ( r ) iohexol , 300 mg I / mL ) into subarachnoid space .

  15. 正常大鼠麻醉状态下的眼压分布规律

    Distribution regularity of intraocular pressure of normal rats under pentobarbital anesthesia

  16. 同时提出“理想麻醉状态”的概念。

    The concept of ideal state of anesthetic is also mentioned .

  17. 采用离体肝灌流方法,在麻醉状态下,使大鼠肝脏形成体外循环。

    The method of isolated liver perfusion was carried out .

  18. 他仍处在麻醉状态。

    He was still under the influence of the anesthetic .

  19. 她还没有从麻醉状态中苏醒过来。

    She hasn 't come round from the anaesthetic yet .

  20. 能够造成一种麻醉状态的药。

    A drug that can produce a state of intoxication .

  21. 麻醉状态下氟马西尼对患者脑电双频指数的影响

    Effect of flumazenil on bispectral index in patients during anesthesia

  22. 这足以使病人处于麻醉状态。

    It was potent enough to put the patient under .

  23. 确保他完全处于麻醉状态。

    Make sure he 's completely in dream land .

  24. 在较浅的麻醉状态下,熵指数对伤害性刺激有一定的预测性。

    In the lower depth of anesthesia , Entropy has certain predictability to nociceptive stimulus .

  25. 各时间点取3只羊在麻醉状态下用无痛放血法处死。

    At each four time points , three goats were killed painless bleeding under anesthesia .

  26. 甘罗溴铵在数十年前就已被批准用于治疗胃溃疡和降低正处于麻醉状态中的患者的唾液分泌。

    Glycopyrrolate was approved decades ago to treat peptic ulcers and reduce salivation in patients under anesthesia .

  27. 静脉注射内毒素建立麻醉状态下绵羊急性呼吸窘迫综合征模型

    Establishment of an acute respiratory distress syndrome model in sheep under anesthesia state by intravenous lipopolysaccharide challenge

  28. 结论:1.即使在异丙酚所致的深麻醉状态下,丘脑皮层环路仍然对外周感觉刺激有一定程度的反应性。

    Thalamocortical circuits preserve a certain degree of sensory responsiveness even in deep propofol anesthesia . 2 .

  29. 于手术后第1,2,4周时各取1只大鼠麻醉状态下处死,作组织切片检查。

    Three rats were executed respectively on postoperative 1 , 2 and 4 weeks to conduct tissue section examination .

  30. 公司仍是每况愈下。他仍处在麻醉状态。

    The company was still going down the drain . He was still under the influence of the anesthetic .