
má zuì jì
  • anesthetic;narcotic;opiate;intoxicant;stupefacient
麻醉剂 [má zuì jì]
  • [anaesthetic;narcotic] 一种中等剂量时能使感觉迟钝、减轻疼痛并导致显著的睡眠,但中毒剂量时能引起木僵、昏迷或惊厥的药物(如鸦片、颠茄或酒精类物质)

  1. “环丙烷:一种极易燃易爆的无色气体,CH,有时用作一种麻醉剂.”

    " cyclopropane : a highly flammable , explosive , colorless gas , CH , sometimes used as an anesthetic . "

  2. 一种无色的、有甜味的气体,N2O,在牙病治疗和手术中用作一种柔和的麻醉剂。

    A colorless , sweet-tasting gas , N2O , used as a mild anesthetic in dentistry and surgery .

  3. 任何人都可能会进来在酒中掺麻醉剂。

    Anyone could have got in and doped the wine

  4. 他们验明6种植物有可能提炼出药物麻醉剂。

    They identified six plants as having potential for development into pharmaceutical drugs .

  5. 医生们已被告知不要给儿童使用麻醉剂,因为它可能与5起死亡病例有关。

    Doctors have been told not to sedate children with an anaesthetic that may be linked to five deaths .

  6. 简单包装是另一个方法,将香烟从诱人的消费品重新归类到麻醉剂。

    Plain packaging would be another step in the reclassification of cigarettes from inviting consumer products to narcotics .

  7. 这已经不是什么秘密,萨勒曼发挥让她立足在B镇导师和指导卡特里娜麻醉剂。

    It 's no secret that Salman played a mentor and guide to Katrina Kaif in getting her a foothold in B-town .

  8. 温度、盐度、pH和麻醉剂对长鳍篮子鱼幼鱼耗氧率的影响

    Effects of water temperature , salinity , pH , and anaesthetics on oxygen consumption rate of juvenile Siganus canaliculatus

  9. 临床麻醉剂量的异丙酚能有效地清除自由基、降低MDA。

    Propofol in clinical dose can eliminate oxygen derived free radicals effectively and decrease the concentration of MDA .

  10. n.麻醉剂;麻药麻醉剂的使用还不到一百年。

    anaesthetic The use of anesthetics is less than a hundred years old .

  11. 结论麻醉剂量的丙泊酚[4.0~6.0mg/(kg·h)]可以消除外显记忆和内隐记忆。

    Conclusion Explicit memory and implicit memory appears to be impaired by propofol [ 4.0 ~ 6.0 mg / ( kg · h ) ] anesthesia .

  12. 检察官播放了一段Murray手机里Jackson含糊的录音,很明显,Jackson是在麻醉剂的影响上说话的。

    The prosecutor played disturbing audio recorded on Dr Murray 's iPhone of Jackson apparently under the influence of propofol .

  13. 降低血浆MDA水平并保护SOD的活力。结论麻醉剂量的异丙酚对肺I/R大鼠全血PMN具有抑制作用,对肺I/R损伤具有保护作用。

    Conclusion Propofol at anesthetic dose inhibit the activity of neutrophils and have protective effects on the pulmonary I / R injury in rats .

  14. 3种麻醉剂对兔Oddi括约肌肌电运动的影响

    Effect of 3 Kinds of Anaesthetics on the Myoelectric Motility of Sphincter of Oddi in Rabbits

  15. 五个被FDA警告的公司声称它们生产它们自己的表面麻醉剂是作为药物合成的实践的一部分。

    The fie firms warned by FDA hae stated that they produce their topical anesthetic creams as part of the practice of pharmacy compounding .

  16. MrWalgren说,这一录音表明Murray医生知道Jackson的情况,他本应该停止向Jackson提供麻醉剂,这是医生严重失职的证据。

    Mr Walgren said the audio was evidence that Dr Murray knew what was happening to Jackson and should have discontinued ordering propofol .

  17. 临床麻醉剂量的异丙酚可有效地清除OFR,有显著的脑保护作用。

    Therapeutic dose of propofol may play a role in brain protection and act as an OFR scavenger in vivo .

  18. 恶性高热(MH)是一种致命的生理反应,可能是由某种麻醉剂或肌肉松弛剂引起的,免疫力地的病人更加危险,这可以通过使用无刺激性的麻醉剂而避免。

    MH is a potentially fatal reaction to certain anesthetic agents and muscle relaxants in susceptible patients that can be avoided by using alternative non-triggering agents .

  19. 统计分析:1.静脉麻醉剂丙泊酚对CSEP的波幅及潜伏期是否有影响,影响效果如何。

    Weather intravenous anesthesia propofol have effect to CSEP or not and how to develop effect .

  20. 哥伦比亚反麻醉剂官员称,Hernandez采取了很多方式来避免被人出来。

    Officers of Colombia 's anti-narcotics squad said Mr Hernandez had gone to great lengths to avoid being identified .

  21. 并且在他们取样的过程中,不停地增加对她使用利多卡因(一种局部麻醉剂)的剂量,远远大于FDA的安全剂量。

    And as they took more samples from her lungs , they increased the dose of her anesthetic , Lidocaine , far above the levels approved by the FDA .

  22. 本研究发现临床麻醉剂量的异丙酚对体内过量的OFR有直接清除作用。开颅手术期间持续静脉点滴可减轻继发性脑损害而具有脑保护作用。

    The results showed that therapeutic doses of propofol had an effect on brain protection and acted as an OFR scavenger in vivo .

  23. 目的-研究一氧化氮(NO)、一氧化氮合酶(NOS)在替来他明及小型猪复方麻醉剂(XFM)全麻分子机理中可能的作用。

    To investigate the effects of tiletamine on NO and NOS and the molecular mechanisms of general anaesthesia mediated by XFM .

  24. 目的研究吸入麻醉剂笑气(N2O)对大鼠杏仁中央核(Ce)神经元自发放电活动的影响。

    AIM To determine the effects of nitrous oxide ( N 2O ) on the spontaneous neural discharge of the neurons in the central amygdaloid nucleus ( Ce ) in rats .

  25. Murray是在杰克逊&这位流行巨星本人所租的寓所中看护他的。Murray告诉警察,他当晚给了杰克逊25毫克的异丙酚,那是一种强力的麻醉剂。

    Murray , who was treating Jackson at the pop star 's rented home , told police he then gave him25 milligrams of propofol , a powerful anesthetic .

  26. 开颅手术期间持续静脉泵注临床麻醉剂量的异丙酚可减轻继发性脑损害,降低血清NSE浓度的升高,具有脑保护作用,是颅脑手术麻醉的理想药物。

    Application of propofol by intravenous pumping can reduce the increase in serum NSE , alleviate cerebral injury , and protect the brain tissues of patients undergoing surgery for acute craniocerebral trauma .

  27. 结果静脉注射麻醉剂量乌拉坦后15min小鼠血糖增高48.4%;

    Results Blood glucose concentration was increased by 48.4 % 15 min after the intravenous administration of urethane at an anesthetizing dose .

  28. 在制作Wistar大鼠大脑中动脉阻塞(MCAO)模型时观察不同麻醉剂对其生理指标的影响,以便合理选择和使用麻醉剂。

    In order to properly select and utilize anesthetics during preparing Wistar rat model of middle cerebral artery occlusion ( MCAO ) . the influences of different anesthetics on the physiologic parameters of rats were investigated .

  29. 盐酸纳洛酮(Naloxonehydrochloride)为特异性阿片受体拮抗剂。该药在临床上广泛用于治疗麻醉剂过量、酒精中毒、休克、脑梗塞、心跳呼吸骤停和呼吸抑制等,疗效确切,副作用很少。

    Naloxone Hydrochloride is a pure opioid receptor antagonist . It is widely used for the treatment of intoxication of anaesthetic and alcohol , shock , brain infarction and so forth with good curative effect and few side effect .

  30. OSA患者在睡眠中易出现上呼吸道阻塞,同样在应用镇静及麻醉剂也可出现上呼吸道阻塞。

    Patients with OSA are predisposed to the development of upper airway obstruction during sleep . Similarly upper airway obstruction is likely to occur when sedative or anesthetic agents depress consciousness .