
  • 网络Ravel;maurice ravel;Ravel, Maurice
  1. 在过去的一个世纪里,许多著名的艺术家都在此进行过他们的表演,包括柴可夫斯基,斯特拉文斯基伊戈尔和拉威尔和乔治格什温。

    Over the last century many world renowned artists have performed there including Peter Tchaikovsky , Igor Stravinsky , and Maurice Ravel and George Gershwin .

  2. 拉威尔钢琴组曲《镜子》的和声研究

    A Study on the Harmony in Ravel 's Suite the Mirror

  3. 知情人士告诉STAR杂志:艾玛会拉威尔去珠宝店看那些漂亮的戒指,或者给他看在网上找到的中意的戒指款式。

    ' She 'll pull him into jewellery stores to point out pretty rings or shell show him ring designs that she finds on the Internet , ' an insider told Star Magazine .

  4. 这些对于演奏拉威尔其他钢琴作品有一定的启示意义。

    These other piano works performed Ravel has a certain significance .

  5. 最喜欢的作曲家:拉威尔,莫扎特,肖邦。

    Favourite music composers are Ravel , Mozart and Fr é d é ric Chopin .

  6. 旋律结构的微变奏与演唱处理的微变化&关于拉威尔《练声曲》的创作与演唱

    The Mini-variation Of The Melody Structure And the Mini-change Of the Singing In Ravel Vocalise

  7. 德彪西和拉威尔的钢琴音乐

    Piano Music of Debussy and Ravel

  8. 拉威尔《自然界的故事》钢琴声部写作的配器思维

    The Thought of the Orchestration of the Piano Part of " Nature Stories " by M.Ravel

  9. 德彪西的音乐表现在福莱和拉威尔庄严的孔雀舞曲当中也可见一斑。

    Debussy 's musical presence can be felt in the Stately pavanes of Faur é and Ravel .

  10. 近年来,他专攻印象派作品,演出了德彪西和拉威尔的全部作品。

    Recently , he focuses on the impressionist works and plays all the works of Debussy and Ravel .

  11. 拉威尔。莫里森、维尔。基恩&还有不少球员都已经有可能进入一队。

    Ravel Morrison , Will Keane – there are a lot of players , which is healthy for us really .

  12. 拉威尔的第二个需求好解决得多,他喜欢的法国葡萄酒畅行无阻。

    The next need was easier to arrange & Ravel 's favorite French wines would accompany him in his travels .

  13. 我们用拉威尔的充满动态和复杂性的波莱罗舞曲来试音。马上感觉到它的音量钮是过于敏感了。

    We gave the V-CAN Ravel 's dynamic and complex Bolero and immediately noticed that the volume control is incredibly sensitive .

  14. 拉威尔。莫里森在曼彻斯特高级杯上用一脚94分钟的火箭球绝杀博尔顿。

    Ravel Morrison settled a dour encounter with Bolton in the Manchester Senior Cup with a jet-propelled strike in the94th minute .

  15. 近几年,他专门研究印象派时期的文学,包括德彪西和拉威尔的全部作品。

    In recent years he has specialized in the literature of the Impressionist period , including the entire repertoire of Debussy and Ravel .

  16. 同时用共性与对比的方法与拉威尔早期,中期,晚期的代表作品进行比较,与另一位印象主义音乐的代表人物-德彪西及其代表作品做对比。

    With the commonalities and contrast of the method will be early , will the works are representative of the late , and a music of impressionism .

  17. 拉威尔曾经要求不要派人去迎接他,但当他于1928年一踏上纽约码头时,便被一队新闻记者堵住了。

    Ravel had wanted his arrival kept quiet , but when he stepped onto the pier in New York in1928 a crowd of newspaper reporters met him .

  18. 钢琴组曲《镜子》集中了拉威尔音乐创作的特点,既有印象主义音乐风格,又有古典音乐元素。

    The piano suite " Mirror " has concentrated the Ravel music creation characteristic , both has the impressionism music style , and has the classical music element .

  19. 梅西安、德彪西和拉威尔这些作曲家曾用钢琴诠释过鸟儿的歌唱声,神秘的沉落教堂,以及在汨汨流水上洒下的耀眼阳光。

    Composers like Messiaen , Debussy and ravel have shown how it can conjure up birdsong , a mysteriously sunken cathedral or glistening sunlight playing on burbling water .

  20. 由于年轻人可能会频繁跳槽,“有效培训和过度培训只有一线之差,”拉威尔表示。

    With young people likely to switch jobs frequently , " there is a fine line between what is effective training and what is overkill , " says Lavelle .

  21. 曼联射手约翰。咖啡接到拉威尔。莫里森穿越主队防线的直传球后,第23分钟击中门柱。

    Reds striker John Cofie went closest to finding the net when he hit the post on23 minutes after a clever ball over the Rovers defence from Ravel Morrison .

  22. 拉威尔。莫里森也没都没碰到球比赛就结束了,但布朗认为能上场就是一种胜利。

    Ravel Morrison may not have touched the ball but taking to the field was still a feat to behold , according to his captain on the night Wes Brown .

  23. 他两周前才拿到拉威尔的乐谱,但他在戏剧界是个有名的学得很快的人。

    Until a fortnight ago , he had never had Ravel 's score in his hands , but he is what is known in the theater as a quick study .

  24. 拉威尔1905完成的《小奏鸣曲》是作曲家早期创作的重要作品之一,是其创作趋于成熟的又一代表作。

    Ravel completed in 1905 " sonatine " is one of the most important works early in his creations , among other things , the creation of yet another representative of mature .

  25. 他还会与香港小交响乐团一起演奏李斯特和拉威尔两首著名协奏曲,并在独奏会上献上李斯特、弗朗克和圣桑的作品。

    He will perform two famous concertos by Liszt and Ravel with the Hong Kong Sinfonietta , as well as exquisite solo recitals of works by Liszt , Franck , and Saint-Sa ë ns .

  26. 事实确实如此,从长期来看,拉威尔发现,接受过培训的员工“不会很快辞职”,而且即使在新招聘人员入职的前几周内,这种培训也物超所值。

    That 's true not only in the long run -- LaVelle notes that trained employees " don 't quit as quickly " -- but sometimes even in a new hire 's first weeks .

  27. 也许正是因为他叛逆的个性难以被人理解,长期以来,在现代音乐的领域里,这个名字因德彪西、拉威尔、斯特拉文斯基等人显赫名声的遮蔽,没有得到应有的和足够的重视。

    During a long period , in the modern music field , under the shadow of the famous names of Debussy and Ravel and Stravinsky , he was lack of enough recognition because of this .

  28. 拉威尔发展了印象派音乐的表现力,创作思维严谨朴素,在继承传统作曲技法的同时,还形成了自己极具个性的音乐语言和作品形式。

    Ravel strengthened the expressive force of the Impressionism music . His thinking involved in compostion is even more well-knit , and simple . While inheriting the traditional composition techniques , he also developed his unique musical languages and forms .