
  • 网络Mayang Miao Autonomous County;Autonomer Kreis Mayang der Miao
  1. 麻阳苗族自治县土地利用与生态环境建设研究

    A Study on Land Use and Ecologic Environment Construction in Mayang Miao Autonomous County

  2. 第四章针对麻阳苗族自治县政治发展的问题提出了一些政策应对思路和解决途径,这也是本研究所寄予的价值所在。

    Last , the writer put forward a number of policy responses to ideas and solutions for the political development of Mayang Miao Autonomous County in The fourth chapter , which is the value hoped in this study .

  3. 湖南省麻阳苗族自治县作为成立于改革开放初期的较为年轻的自治县之一,其本身就是民族区域自治制度现代化进程的基层实践。

    Mayang Miao Autonomous County in Hunan Province was established in reform and opening up as a one of relatively young counties , its own system of regional ethnic autonomy is the primary practice of the process of modernization .