
má bù
  • linen;sackcloth;burlap
麻布 [má bù]
  • [gunny cloth;burlap;sackcloth] 用麻的纤维织成的布

  1. 在我的织布机上有一块细软麻布,已经织了一半。

    In my loom I have a half-finished web of soft linen .

  2. 这些圣经上的仪式,区分羊毛和麻布质料。

    these biblical rituals , separating my wool and linen ,

  3. 可粘接橡胶、EVA、皮革、麻布、木材、海绵、塑胶、布类等。

    Suitable for bonding of rubber , EVA , leather , gunny , wood , porous materials , plastic and cloth .

  4. 他们一般喜欢购买公认是最时尚街区周边的房产,像青山(Aoyama)、赤坂、麻布(Azabu)和六本木(Roppongi),当地人称之为“三A一R”。

    They tend to prefer properties in the neighborhoods considered the most fashionable : Aoyama , Akasaka , Azabu and Roppongi , referred to locally as ' 3As and an R. '

  5. GK9-25手提式封包机采用双线链式,针距可调线迹,适用于各种盛满物品的牛皮纸,麻布,塑料编织袋封口之用。

    GK9-25 adopts double lines chain architrave , suitable for various bags , kraft paper bags , flax and plastic knitting bags sewing use .

  6. 52他却丢下细麻布,赤身逃走了。

    But he left the linen cloth behind and fled naked .

  7. 布纹纸:带着模傲麻布纹理的纸。

    Linen finished paper : Imitation linen texture on paper surface .

  8. 约瑟取了身体,用乾净细麻布裹好

    Joseph took the body , wrapped it in a clean linen cloth

  9. 她的脸像麻布床单一样苍白。

    Her face was as white as a linen sheet .

  10. 然后,尸骨会用新麻布包起来重新埋葬。

    The remains are then wrapped in a new shroud and reburied .

  11. 春季最后一场霜冻过后取掉绳子和麻布。

    Remove the string and the fabric after the last frost in spring .

  12. 用麻梳梳理麻布或纤维。人丝梳细棉纱线纹布

    Heckle hemp or flax . rayon combed cotton cord

  13. 103英寸特阔纯苎麻布织造技术

    The Weaving Technique of 103 Inches All Ramie Fabric

  14. 妇女和显要人物则穿麻布内衣。

    For women and notable people underclothing of linen .

  15. 用麻梳梳理麻布或纤维。纤细的棉或亚麻纤维团。

    Heckle hemp or flax . fine ravellings of cotton or linen fibers .

  16. 古代中国的衣料,主要为皮革、麻布和绢帛三种。

    Cloths in ancient China were mainly composed of leather , linen and silks .

  17. 一块粗麻布被染红、缝上流苏,做成了一块雅致的地毯。

    A piece of hessian dyed red , fringed , made an elegant carpet .

  18. 棉织席纹粗黄麻袋布用来制作袋子或麻布袋的粗糙纤维。

    Coarse fabric used for bags or sacks .

  19. 在麻布袋装满之前绑住口!

    Bind the sack before it be full !

  20. 麻布手绣镶编结盘布

    Linen hand embroidered doily with hand knitted lace

  21. 她在水盆里洗了手,又用干净的麻布擦干。

    She bathed her hands in the basin and wrapped them in clean linen .

  22. 叫他替我做件麻布衣衫。

    Tell her2 make me a cambric shirt .

  23. 他用从面粉袋子上剪下来的花布做成窗帘,换下了原来挂在肮脏不堪的窗户上的粗麻布口袋。

    Floral cloth from flour sacks replaced the burlap-bag curtains covering the grimy window .

  24. 大卫另外穿着细麻布的以弗得。

    David also wore a linen ephod .

  25. 我拿麻布当衣裳。就成了他们的笑谈。

    I made sackcloth also my garment ; and I became a proverb to them .

  26. 用麻梳梳理麻布或纤维。梳刷,刷拭用马梳刷拭(马)

    Heckle hemp or flax . To groom ( a horse ) with a currycomb .

  27. 他在墙上贴了一层麻布。

    He overlaid the walls with hessian .

  28. 例如书皮纸或纸板用皮革.麻布.鳄鱼皮纹理;

    For example , leather , linen , crocodile texture for cover paper and boards ;

  29. 那时,撒母耳还是孩子,穿着细麻布的以弗得,侍立在耶和华面前。

    But Samuel was ministering before the LORD & a boy wearing a linen ephod .

  30. 用粗麻布做的外衣;以前穿着它暗示着一种懊悔。

    A garment made of coarse sacking ; formerly worn as an indication of remorse .