
má zi
  • pockmarks;pit;pockmarked person;seeds of an oil plant
麻子 [má zi]
  • (1) [pockmarks]∶痘痕,天花所致的记痕、凹陷的疤痕

  • 他脸上有几点麻子

  • (2) [person with a pockmarked face]∶脸上有麻子的人

  1. 在情人的眼里,麻子也成了可爱的酒窝。

    In the eyes of a lover pockmarks are dimples .

  2. 他满脸是麻子。

    Smallpox scars had pitted his face .

  3. 她满面菜色,额头上有些麻子。

    She has a poor complexion and pock marks on her forehead

  4. 他的脸上有麻子。

    He had a pockmarked face

  5. 他脸上稍有几点麻子。

    His face slightly marked with the smallpox .

  6. 含矿主岩主要为粗面岩,具有独特的麻子构造;

    The main host rock is trachyte with distinctive pockmark structure .

  7. 王麻子、张小泉的刀剪一万年也不要搞掉。

    Pock-marked no , not even ten thousand years from now .

  8. 李麻子慌慌张张替他的好朋友辩护了。

    Said Pockmarked Li anxiously , sticking up for his friend .

  9. 急重症蓖麻子中毒抢救成功1例报告

    Successful treatment of a patients seriously poisoned after taking castor bean

  10. 麻子仁汤对术后胃肠功能恢复的临床观察

    Clinical Observation on Recovery of Postoperative Gastrointestinal Function Treating by Maziren Decoction

  11. 所以我们只是给他们提供原料蓖麻子。

    And we just gave them the bean , the raw material .

  12. (用蛇麻子调味的)苦啤酒用来采摘蛇麻草的工具。

    Bitter beer strongly flavoured with hops a machine used for picking hops .

  13. 老麻子说过他会来。

    The old leper said he would come .

  14. 可是总不能不给李麻子一点面子。

    But he can 't afford to make Pockmarked Li lose too much face .

  15. 芝麻子粒中含有45-63%的油脂,平均值为50%;

    A sesame grain carries 45-63 % grease with the average value 50 % ;

  16. 他的脸因皮肤病而有麻子。

    Her face was pockmarked by the disease .

  17. 此人满脸麻子,没有胡须,两眼深邃,面颊凹陷。

    His face was pockmarked and beardless , with deepset eyes and hollow cheeks .

  18. 欢迎来光临麻子工作室!

    Welcome to the studio of mazi !

  19. 品牌女装其中一位导游连声抱歉,说路面简直像麻子一样。

    Among them a tourist guide repeatedly sorry , said the road is like pock .

  20. 屠维岳慢慢地点着头,看了李麻子一眼,又转脸朝着桂长林。

    Tu Wei-yueh nodded slowly , looking first at Pockmarked Li and then towards Kuei Chang-lin.

  21. 丽齐:(嘲讽地)每年有五千磅的收入,谁会管他是不是满脸麻子。

    LIZZIE : ( ironically ) With five thousand a year , would not matter if he had

  22. 商品和临床应用调查可知,临床应用的冬葵子均被苘麻子所代替。

    Seed of Malva Crispa in stead of seed of Abutilon Theophrasti was used in clinic through investigation .

  23. 麻子领导着新一代的机甲战士,行事作风也与父辈截然不同。

    She is leading a new generation of fighters who do things differently from their parents " generation .

  24. 女工们一边嚷,一边冲破了警察和李麻子他们的防线,直逼近那汽车。

    Shouted the girls , as they burst through the cordon of policemen and bullies and made straight for the car .

  25. 胡麻子来源的ω-3多价不饱和脂肪酸对高脂血症患者降脂作用的初步研究

    Effect of Hu Ma Zi source omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on blood lipids of patients with hyperlipidemia : a preliminary study

  26. 碧口韧性剪切带沿康县碾坝麻子坝一带呈连续带状展布,发育于泥盆系及震旦系关家沟组上岩段内部。

    Bikou ductile shear zone distributing along Kangxian county-Nianba-Maziba developed in the Devonian System and the upper Guanjiagou Formation of Sinian System .

  27. 屠维岳又尖利地看了李麻子一眼,然后侧着头,闭了一只眼睛。

    Tu Wei-yueh cast another sharp glance at Pockmarked Li , then tilted his head on one side and closed one eye .

  28. 痘痕,麻子由天花或其他发疹性疾病遗留在皮肤上的窝状疤痕是的。我有麻烦了。

    A pitlike scar left on the skin by smallpox or another eruptive disease . Yes , please . I have a trouble now .

  29. 屠维岳立刻站住了,很冷静地望着李麻子他们微微一笑,就挺起胸膛,慢慢地走近这两个人。

    Tu Wei-yueh stopped at once and looked across at them with a calm smile , then straightened himself up and walked slowly over .

  30. 22岁时,贝多芬到维也纳去碰碰运气。当时他是个脸上有麻子、一身外省人打扮、相当笨头笨脑的年轻人。

    When he was twenty-two , he went to Vienna to seek his fortune , a pockmarked , rather clumsy young man in provincial clothes .