
  • 网络Tropical Medicine
  1. 他在大学里学习热带医学。

    He studied tropical medicine in the university .

  2. 热带医学专家JonathanCox说,快速探测而非预测疟疾流行是疾病控制的关键。

    Quickly detecting , not predicting , malaria epidemics is the key to disease control , says tropical medicine expert , Jonathan Cox .

  3. “我们确实不知道死亡率,我们确实不知道哪个年龄组受影响。”伦敦卫生学和热带医学院的卫生政策讲师、大流行预防专家SandraMounier-Jack说。

    Lecturer in health policy and expert in pandemic preparedness at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine .

  4. 伦敦卫生暨热带医学院(LondonSchoolofHygiene&TropicalMedicine)营养学家阿伦•丹古尔(AlanDangour)表示,如果你想改变人们的行为,不要跟他们大讲科学道理。

    If you want to change people 's behaviour , don 't recite science at them , says Alan Dangour , nutritionist at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine ( LSHTM ) .

  5. VikramPatel是一位精神病医生,还是伦敦卫生学与热带医学学院的高级讲师。

    Vikram Patel is a psychiatrist and senior lecturer at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine .

  6. 在加入世卫组织之前,李博士在美属萨摩亚LBJ热带医学中心工作了两年。

    Prior to joining WHO , Dr Lee worked for two years at the LBJ Tropical Medical Centre in American Samoa .

  7. 在伦敦卫生学和热带医学院研究结核病的RuthMcNerney说,这项研究很有趣,但只是“一个大的图景的一小部分”。

    Ruth McNerney who studies TB at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine says the study is interesting but is " a small part of a big picture " .

  8. 这项研究是在德国汉堡的BernhardNocht热带医学研究所的科学家VolkerHeussler带领下进行的。他们的研究于8月4日发表在了《科学》杂志的网站上。

    The study , led by Volker Heussler of the Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine in Hamburg , Germany , was published online today ( 4 August ) by Science .

  9. 他在热带医学这一领域里广获赞扬。

    He has won wide recognition in the field of tropical medicine .

  10. 热带医学研究的传承与发展

    The heritage and development in the research of tropical medicine

  11. 该研究结果刊登在《美国热带医学与卫生杂志》上。

    The work is in the American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene .

  12. 这项研究发表在美国《热带医学与卫生学》杂志上。

    The finding is in the American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene .

  13. 热带医学研究所,比利时安特卫普。

    C.Institute of Tropical Medicine , Antwerp , Belgium .

  14. 新型热带医学高温实验室的研制

    Development of high temperature laboratory for tropic medicine imitation

  15. 热带医学专业信息资源库的研制

    Development of A E-Library Specialized in Tropical Medicine

  16. 贝宁的这项研究发表在《美国热带医学和卫生杂志》上。

    The study from Benin appears in the American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene .

  17. 国际热带医学和疟疾大会

    International Congress on Tropical Medicine and Malaria

  18. 以期能对我国高素质热带医学专业人员的培训提出一个有参考意义的方案。

    It aims to afford a directive project for the training high-level professionals in tropical medicine .

  19. 彼得·霍特兹是发表了这一报告的美国热带医学和卫生学会的负责人。

    Peter Hotez heads the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene , which published the research .

  20. 调查人群中有291(69%)人不了解也不知道北京热带医学研究所是专看热带病的医院。

    291 ( 69 % ) of interviewee did not know the Tropical Medicine Research Institute at all .

  21. 如今,在美国热带医学与卫生杂志上的一项研究表明蜱虫是传播者。

    Now a study in the American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene confirms that ticks were the transmitters .

  22. 该学院提供细胞与分子生物学,生理学,和热带医学的硕士。

    It offers the MS and PhD degrees in cell and molecular biology , physiology , and tropical medicine etc.

  23. 单位:南方医科大学(原第一军医大学)附属珠江医院神经外科。材料:实验于2003-04/05在南方医科大学热带医学与卫生系实验室完成。

    SETTING : Surgery Department of Neurology in Zhujiang Hospital affiliated to Southern Medical University ( First Military Medical University ) .

  24. 这个无情的结论是由“伦敦卫生和热带医学学院”的艾伦·诺尔特和马丁·麦凯基得出的。

    That harsh judgment is made by Ellen Nolte and Martin McKee , researchers at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine .

  25. 但是在被认为是印度传统强项的一些领域例如热带医学、纺织和农业工程引用数量就不那么高。

    But papers in fields considered India 's traditional strengths , such as tropical medicine , textiles and agricultural engineering are not cited often .

  26. 这项初步发现是在11月4日新奥尔良召开的美国热带医学与卫生学会上提出。

    The preliminary findings were presented November 4th at the annual meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene in New Orleans .

  27. 伦敦卫生与热带医学院的一个研究小组日前称,肥胖和体重超标人士在日常生活中消耗的交通燃料和食物都更多;

    And the problem will worsen as the population literally swells in size , a team at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine says .

  28. 路易斯安那州新奥尔良市的杜兰大学和公共健康&热带医学学院的社区健康科学和生物统计部门;

    Departments of a Community Health Sciences and d Biostatistics , School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine , Tulane University , New Orleans , Louisiana ;

  29. 在总共78例中,有11例已经碧瑶市医院和热带医学研究所实验室确认脑膜炎奈瑟菌。

    Out of the total of78 cases , 11 have been laboratory confirmed for N.meningitidis by the Baguio General Hospital and the Research Institute for Tropical Medicine .

  30. 她有3个学位:公共健康,健康管理,热带医学。她也是拉普兰岛看护学院的退休校长。

    She holds 3 specialities : public health , health administration , tropical medicine . She is also a retired president of the Nursing college of Lapland .