
  • 网络Galvanizing;HOT DIP GALVANIZING;hot dip galvanized;hot dip galvanization;Hdg
  1. 电力金具的热浸镀锌

    Hot Dip Galvanizing for Electric Power Metal Fittings

  2. 含硅钢表面因素对热浸镀锌反应活性的影响

    Influence of Surface Properties of Silicon Containing Steels on Reactivity of Hot Dip Galvanizing Reaction

  3. 添加Ti元素对热浸镀锌钢板的影响

    Effect of Added Titanium on Hot Dip Galvanizing Steel Plate

  4. Ni和V对热浸镀锌层耐蚀性能的影响

    The Influence of Ni and V on the Corrosion Resistance of Hot-dipped Galvanizing Coating

  5. 使用YP型燃油平焰烧嘴的热浸镀锌炉

    Flame Scaling Furnace Attached by YP Type Oil fired Flat Flame Burner

  6. 热浸镀锌钢板、彩色钢板、各类液晶显示屏、EPS泡沫塑料包装制品系列、环氧底漆、聚酯底漆、聚酯背漆、聚酯面漆等。

    Our productions : Hot-dip galvanized steel sheet , Pre-painted galvanized steel sheet , various LCD , a series of EPS foam packaging products , epoxy primer .

  7. 文章结合通风和空气调节理论对吹吸式热浸镀锌废气收集装置进行了结构设计,最后应用FLUENT软件针对三种方案的废气收集装置在工作过程中气体流动进行了数值模拟。

    Combined with the ventilation and air conditioning theory , the structure of waste gas collecting device for general galvanizing of the blowing-sucking style was designed . In addition , the flow fields of the three kinds of types of devices in operation were simulated by FLUENT software .

  8. 钢板预镀镍后热镀锌时完全改变了Fe-Zn相的生长顺序,明显延缓了ζ相的生长,显著抑制了活性钢热浸镀锌层的异常生长。

    The method of Ni-electrodeposited pretreatment changed the formation of Fe-Zn intermetallic compounds . The growth of ζ was greatly delayed , therefore the abnormal growth of the galvanized coating of reactive steels was eliminated .

  9. 参考德国技术设计制造的使用YP型平焰烧嘴热浸镀锌炉,避免了局部过热,延长了锌锅使用寿命。

    Refer to the German technologies , they have designed and made up the flame scaling furnace which uses the YP type flat flame burner , avoid the super heat in local position and prolong the service life of the iron pot .

  10. 热浸镀锌是钢铁防护的一种主要方法。

    Hot-dip is an effective and economical method of steel protection .

  11. 稀土铝添加剂在热浸镀锌中的应用试验

    Study on Rare Earths Aluminum Alloy Additive in Hot Dipped Zinc

  12. 钢带连续热镀铝工艺及镀层结构的研究热浸镀锌板镀层相结构的穆斯堡尔谱研究

    Continuous hot-dip aluminizing process OP steel strip and structure of coating

  13. 热浸镀锌层上钼酸盐转化膜的腐蚀电化学性能热浸锌铝合金镀层表面纳米晶腐蚀产物共沉积机理

    Co-precipitation of nano-crystalline corrosion products on hot dip Zn-Al alloy coating

  14. 热浸镀锌槽的腐蚀及其发展

    Corrosion and Development of Zinc Pot for Galvanizing by Dipping

  15. 综述了国内外关于热浸镀锌合金技术的最新发展。

    New development of hot dip zinc alloy coating technology was reviewed .

  16. 镍元素在热浸镀锌中的应用与发展

    Applications and Developments of Nickel in hot - dip galvanizing

  17. 热浸镀锌板镀层相结构的穆斯堡尔谱研究镁合金化学镀镍前浸镀锌-镍合金的研究

    Study on Zn-Ni Immersion Plating on Magnesium Alloy before Nickel Electroless Plating

  18. 蒸发式冷凝器盘管热浸镀锌研究进展

    Research progress on hot-dip galvanizing of evaporative condenser coils

  19. 改进前处理工艺减少热浸镀锌漏镀

    Improving Process of Front Treatment and Reducing Plating Leakage of Hot Dip Galvanizing

  20. 热浸镀锌是一种常用的钢铁耐蚀技术。

    Hot-dip galvanizing is one of common technique used for steel corrosion resistance .

  21. 新型热浸镀锌合金系列耐蚀性研究进展

    A Survey of Corrosion Resistance of a New Type of Hot-Dip Zinc Alloy

  22. 热浸镀锌是金属防护的一种经济,有效的方法。

    Hot-dip galvanizing is an economic and effective way of metal surface protection .

  23. 热浸镀锌钢筋在混凝土中的应用前景

    Application Prospect of Hot Dip Galvanized Rebar in Concrete

  24. 影响热浸镀锌钢板锌花形成的因素

    Zinc Spangle Formation During Hot-Dip Galvanization of Steel Sheet

  25. 热浸镀锌助镀剂的研究

    Study of the Plating Auxiliary of Hot Dip Galvanizing

  26. 混凝土中热浸镀锌钢筋的研究及应用

    Study and application of hot-dip galvanized rebar in concrete

  27. 螺纹类接触网零件热浸镀锌工艺改进

    Improvement Improvement of Hot Dip Galvanizing Techniques for Threaded Type of OCS Fittings

  28. 一种含0.5%镍的热浸镀锌合金的应用分析

    Applied Study of Hot-Galvanizing Process for Si-Alloyed Steel in a Low Nickel-Zinc Alloy Bath

  29. 连续热浸镀锌线技术的发展

    Development of continuous hot - dip galvanizing technology

  30. 高速公路隔离栅热浸镀锌和锌铝合金镀层的对比分析

    Comparative Analysis of Zinc Coat and Zn-Al Alloy Coat in Highway Fence high-solidity cascade