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yù shǔ shǔ
  • maize;corn
玉蜀黍 [yù shǔ shǔ]
  • [Indian corn;maize] 即玉米,是一种高杆谷类禾草(Zea mays),通常穗大,穗上生谷粒。在美洲已长期栽培

  1. Haor盆地中约有三分一的地方是略为隆起的地带,不适宜种米,但却可以种油菜、玉蜀黍、豆果及小麦等。

    About a third of the haor is kanda , or slightly raised land , which is not suitable for rice but for rabi crops , which include oilseeds , maize , pulses and wheat .

  2. 这种面粉在英国被叫做玉蜀黍粉。

    In britain , this flour usually goes under the name of maize meal .

  3. 玉蜀黍又称为印第安玉米。

    Corn is also called " indian corn " .

  4. 玉蜀黍属物种间遗传关系的RAPD分析

    Genetic relationship analysis of Zea species using RAPD markers

  5. 在玉蜀黍属的几个种中都检测到了信号明显的4种带,分别为中间带(interstitialband)、着丝粒带(cen-tromericband)、端粒带(telomericband)和染色纽(knob)。

    Four kinds of bands including interstitial band , centromeric band , telomeric band and knob were detected on all species .

  6. 玉蜀黍丝核菌(RhizoctoniazeaeVoorhees)是引起玉米纹枯病的重要病原之一。

    Rhizoctonia zeae Voorhees was an important pathogen of Maize sheath blight .

  7. 玉蜀黍黑粉菌担孢子萌发及侵染过程的研究

    Studies on Germination And Infection of Basidiospores of Corn Smut Fungi

  8. 然后吸干溶液,撒上玉蜀黍淀粉。

    Then soak up the solution and sprinkle it with cornstarch .

  9. 玉蜀黍赤霉有性重组体的诱导及其生物学特性

    Induction and biological properties of sexual recombinants of Gibberella zeae

  10. 将玉蜀黍淀粉和水混合,直到比较浓稠。

    Mix cornstarch and water together until you get a thick consistency .

  11. 玉蜀黍丝核菌的鉴定特征

    Identification characteristics of Rhizoctonia zeae from sheath blight of Maize

  12. 摩擦禾与玉蜀黍属内物种间的分子显带分析

    Molecular Banding Analysis Among Tripsacum Dactyloides and Several Species in Senus Zea

  13. 谷类、麦子及玉蜀黍等都是家畜的饲料。

    Corn , wheat and sorghum are feed grain .

  14. 试一下这道来自南方边界的,用玉蜀黍饼和快炒的鸡肉与蔬菜做成的三明治。

    Try this south-of-the-border sandwich made with tortillas and sauteed chicken with vegetables .

  15. 她有个计划去防止黑鸟吃掉她的玉蜀黍。

    She had a plan to stop those black birds from eating her corn .

  16. 嗨-玉蜀黍色的玉黍蜀淀粉也是一种可能性。

    Hi-Maize corn starch is also a possibility .

  17. 如煮得太快,玉蜀黍会结块。

    Corn-starch will lump if cooked too fast .

  18. 他们在园圃的土坛上种植玉蜀黍、菜豆、南瓜和烟草。

    They cultivated maize , beans , squashes , and tobacco , in garden beds .

  19. 3.玉蜀黍淀粉和水混合

    Step 3 Mix cornstarch and water

  20. 美丽的玉蜀黍在夏夜的荫下生长得最快。

    The beautiful Indian corn never grows more rapidly than in the shadow of a warm summer night .

  21. 生肉马铃薯、绿色的香蕉、脉膊和高的直链淀粉玉蜀黍色的淀粉有高直链淀粉内容。

    Raw potato , green bananas , pulses and high amylose maize starch have a high amylose content .

  22. 本研究中,我们应用这一方法对摩擦禾属、薏苡属和玉蜀黍属的几个种进行了分析。

    Comparative studies were performed by molecular banding among several species of the genera Tripsacum , Coix and Zea .

  23. 我们占据美国作为例子,在世界上是大的玉蜀黍生产、消费和输出品国家。

    We take usa as example , which is largest maize production , consumption and export country in the world .

  24. 牛肉与山羊肉是波札那人最喜爱的肉类,高梁与玉蜀黍则为主食。

    Beef and goat are the most popular meats in Botswana , while sorghum and maize are the main grains eaten .

  25. 有一次,我们的母马吃玉蜀黍穗太多,肚胀得象个水箱,他还去给她治病呢。

    He came to doctor our mare when she ate green corn and swelled up most as big as the water-tank .

  26. 同时,一些改变像嗨-玉蜀黍色的玉黍蜀淀粉这样的淀粉,在这一个种类和下一个中。

    Also , some altered starches , such as Hi-Maize corn starch , are in both this category and the next .

  27. 我已经试过用燃烧的纸条、木条及玉蜀黍梗制成的碳质灯丝,但没有一样成功。

    I 've tried burning strips of paper , wood , corn stalks to make carbon filaments , but none of them work .

  28. 10、本项研究测定了草坪褐斑病菌(包括立枯丝核菌、水稻丝核菌、玉蜀黍丝核菌、禾谷丝核菌和单核类丝核菌)对主要草坪禾草的致病性。

    The pathogenicity of uninucleate Rhizoctonia , binucleate Rhizoctonia , Rhizoctonia solani 、 Rhizoctonia oryzae and Rhizoctonia zeae , to main turf-grasses were tested .

  29. 其他作物有琼麻、玉米(玉蜀黍)、各种豆类、香蕉、金合欢树皮、棉花、除虫菊和马铃薯。

    Other crops have Joan hemp , corn ( maize ), all kinds of beans , banana , cinnamomum bark , cotton , pyrethrum and potatoes .

  30. 本文首次系统研究了玉蜀黍丝核菌(R.zeae)的致病性分化、体外产细胞壁降解酶活性、侵染过程和温度对玉蜀黍丝核菌(R.zeae)菌核萌发与发病的影响。

    The differentiation of pathogenicity , activities of cell wall degrading enzymes , infection process and effect of temperature on sclerotia germination and germs infection were studied .