
dǐng dài
  • official cap showing various ranks by button of precious stone on top;be thankful;official cap button in the Qing Dynasty;salute
顶戴 [dǐng dài]
  • (1) [official cap button in the Qing Dynasty]∶ 清代用以区别官员等级的帽饰。分别饰红宝石、珊瑚、青金石、水晶等。也称顶带

  • (2) [be thankful]∶感激

  • 举家顶戴不尽

  • (3) [salute]∶敬礼

顶戴[dǐng dài]
  1. 帝国官吏的顶戴花翎不见了,但是社会仍然保持中世纪的腐朽形态。

    The imperial trappings were gone but underneath still lay the rotten body of medieval life .

  2. 前两位长官伊恩(现改名为罗德)·布莱尔先生和保罗·斯蒂芬森先生都在五年任期未满之时被伦敦市长鲍里斯·约翰逊摘去了顶戴花翎。

    The two previous incumbents , Sir Ian ( now Lord ) Blair and Sir Paul Stephenson , were in effect forced out by Boris Johnson , the mayor of London , before their five-year terms were up .

  3. B:这顶我戴好像小了一点。

    B : This one seems a little small for me .

  4. 对于杰克肥胖的父亲来说,那顶帽子戴起来实在太紧了。

    What a tight hat is that for Jack 's fat dad !

  5. 我想请你把这顶帽子戴上。

    Would you do me a kindness ? Put this hat on .

  6. 她戴一顶少女戴的帽子,带着灿烂的微笑。

    She was dressed in a maid 's cap and a bright smile .

  7. 这顶帽子戴在此女孩头上,为之增添不少姿色。

    The hat lends charm to the girl .

  8. 这个人一顶接一顶地戴这些帽子,可他一顶也不喜欢。

    The man tried them on one by one but he didn 't like any of them .

  9. 这顶帽子我戴太小。

    This hat is too small for me .

  10. 这顶帽子你戴很合适。

    This hat becomes you .

  11. 这顶帽子冬天戴上非常暖和。

    The hat will be good for cold winter days .

  12. 这顶白色的帽子戴在她金色的卷发上显得非常雅致。

    On her blonde wavy hair , the white hat looked nicely prim .

  13. 这顶帽子还没有戴过。

    The hat was still unworn .

  14. 周日,一顶由拿破仑·波拿巴所戴过的毡帽在巴黎开拍。

    An iconic felt hat worn by Napoleon Bonaparte was auctioned off in Paris on Sunday .

  15. 国王把一顶小号的金冠戴在爱德华的头上。现场有音乐和舞蹈,人群欢呼起来。

    The King put a small gold crown on Edward 's head.There was music and dancing and the crowd began to shout .