- 名seed powder of Chinese prickly ash

The family used this paste to season all kinds of salads and sauces .
To finish a stir-fry , they sprinkled on a bit of the ground spice just as if it were black or white pepper .
Pepper and pepper oil , should generally be good in the soup after adding brine thermal system to play a supporting role in seasoning .
Once the eggshell was empty , ninjas would fill it with things such as iron filings , salt , powdered peppers , and so on .
One of their kitchen drawers held a jar of ground peppercorns moistened by oil ─ a brilliant idea , because the oil captured the spice 's zing and kept it always at the ready .
The best flavor proportion is capsicum powder 0.6 % , Chinese pepper powder 0.5 % , ginger juice 1.5 % , monosodium glutamate 0.1 % , yellow wine 2 % , iced water 5 % .
Pepper by pepper production of major products are pepper powder , spicy powder , pepper oil , hot oil , pepper noodles , spices and other types of formula .
The application of pepper in the pot is more complex , dry pepper , pepper powder , pepper oil were applied in the pot .
I got my hands on some in 1996 , and since I didn 't know when I 'd get more , I used the peppercorns judiciously ─ roasting them with salt , say , to make a zesty dip for fried chicken .