
huā dàn
  • Huadan;female role in Chinese opera;a young female character type in Chinese operas
花旦 [huā dàn]
  • [a young female character type in Chinese operas] 戏剧中扮演性格活泼或泼辣的年轻女旦角

花旦[huā dàn]
  1. AC米兰与皇马争夺河床的当家花旦伊瓜因。

    AC Milan and Real Madrid are battling for River Plate sensation Gonzalo Higuain .

  2. 虽然这部剧集因再现医疗界真实状况而闻名(香港医院管理局为剧组拍摄提供了医疗设施),但观众似乎更钟情于主角间复杂的情爱以及暧昧关系,这些主角全部由TVB当家花旦和小生来出演。

    Though the series is noted for its realism in depicting medical situations ( the Hong Kong Hospital Authority loaned hospital equipment and facilities for filming ) , audiences seem to be more attracted to the complicated loves and dubious relationships among the main characters , who are all popular TVB television station 's actors and actresses .

  3. 三丽鸥公司的“当家花旦”这个月将可爱带到了时尚封面上。

    Sanrio 's head honcho is cute-ifying some fashion mag covers this month .

  4. 这个京剧花旦念的是京白不是韵白。

    The actress speaks in a Beijing dialect in the opera rather than rhyming lines .

  5. 2005年,我团创排的杂技节目《俏花旦&空竹》在第二十六届法国明日国际杂技节上获得法兰西共和国总统奖。

    The French Republic President Award at the26th Tomorrow Circus Festival in France in2005 achieved by the troupe with the program " Diabolos " .

  6. 连争幼年学习中国戏曲,三岁登台演出,主攻花旦,兼学青衣,小生。

    Zheng Lian has been studying Chinese opera since her childhood and started her first opera performance on stage when she was three years old .

  7. “花旦”是中国一个有广泛群众基础的知名民间艺术团体。现在“花旦”正在招募一名全职集资与事务发展部干事。

    Hua Dan , one of China 's leading participatory arts based community organizations and social enterprises , is currently recruiting for the position of Fundraising and Business Development Coordinator .

  8. 虽然镜头语言一直被公认为电影中的当家花旦,但影片中各种声音因素所带来的审美享受也是不可替代,不容忽视的。

    Although the language of lens has long been recognized as a main actor in a movie , the aesthetic enjoyment brought from each kind of sound factors in the movie cannot be substituted and neglected .

  9. 在杂剧研究史上,“花旦”与“花旦杂剧”因其自身含义的复杂,一直是研究者广为提及而缺乏专门研究的对象。

    In the research history of vari-drama , Huadan and Huandan vari-drama , due to the complication of its own meaning , have been the objects widely referred to but lack of special research by the scholars .

  10. 暨桃花、油菜花、梨花、樱花四大花旦闪亮登场后,“花王”牡丹也开始来抢夺市民的眼球了。

    Peach blossoms , canola flowers , cherry blossoms , these four great flowers glisten with the break of dawn ," the king of flowers " the peony also begins to steal the gaze of the locals .