
  • 网络Huaxi River
  1. 喀斯特山区花溪河大型水生植物资源的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Aquatic Macrophyte of Huaxi River in Karst Mountainous Area

  2. 黔上翡翠项链&花溪河

    Huaxi River Wears a Jade Necklace around Guizhou Province

  3. 贵阳市花溪河大型浮游动物的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Zooplankton in Huaxi River

  4. 小流域水体污染对周边环境影响研究&以花溪河流域为例

    Influence of water pollution on environment of small watershed : A case study of Huaxi River

  5. 花溪名胜风景区座落在贵阳市西南郊十七公里处,它能够声名远播,因为这里流淌着被誉为“黔上翡翠”的花溪河。

    Located in the southwest of suburb of Guiyang city , Huaxi is famous for the Huaxi River flowing around it , which is seen as jade in Guizhou province .