
Lǚ Dònɡbīn
  • Lv Dongbin;an immortal appearing as a dignified elderly figure with a sword
吕洞宾 [lǚ dòng bīn]
  • [Lu Dongbin--a famous Taoist priest in Tang Dynasty] 相传是唐末进士,后来修道成仙,称为吕纯阳。吕洞宾、李铁拐和何仙姑是传说中八仙里的三个

  1. 我的旅游手册指引我前往望安岛上最知名的景点——位于半山腰玄武岩石上的一个“脚印”,传说这是八仙中的吕洞宾(LuDongbin)蹲此小便留下的。

    My guidebook directed me to the most famous sight on Wang'an , a " footprint " in a piece of basalt halfway up a hill which , legend has it , was formed when Lu Dongbin , one of China 's eight immortals , squatted here to urinate .

  2. 就是中国道教的吕洞宾啊。

    He 's Lu Dongbin of Chinese taoism .

  3. 吕洞宾敲了一会梆子。

    Immortals knocked a operas .

  4. 本文拟采用思想史、文献学与唯象学的研究方法对署名吕洞宾的道教经籍进行探讨和研究。

    This paper studies the works of Lu Tung-pin with methods of Thoughts History , Bibliography , and Phenomenology .

  5. 从吕洞宾戏白牡丹传说看宗教圣者传说的建构及其流变

    The Historical Construction and Changes of Religious Legends of Saints As Is Seen from the Legend of Lu Dongbin and White Peony

  6. 吕洞宾是道教史上的著名内丹家,在中国道教内丹思想史上占有重要的地位。

    Lu Tung-pin who is one of the most famous inner alchemy experts occupies an important position in the history of Chinese Taoism .

  7. 这时,吕洞宾上前-步,轻轻地用手掌在她背上-拍,只听见老婆婆打了个噎。

    At this point , the immortals-step forward , gently with the Palm of the hand in her back-beats , only heard the old lady a choke .