
  • 网络Lv Nan;Hailv
  1. 一方面,吕柟师从薛的门人薛敬之,秉承了河东学派的思想内涵,悃无华,以躬行实践为主。

    And Lv Nan took the ideology of the school of Hedong region , which was sincere and characterized as practice and fulfillment .

  2. 吕柟,明中叶著名的理学家,是薛瑄的嫡传弟子,为河东学派在明中叶的主要代表人物。

    Lv Nan , as the famous Neo-Confucianism scholar in Ming Dynasty , was the disciple of Xue Xuan , and an important representative of Hedong School .