
huā shì
  • flower market;flower fair;brothel
花市 [huā shì]
  • (1) [flower market]∶集中卖花卉的地方

  • (2) [brothel]∶旧指妓院

花市[huā shì]
  1. 我们礼拜天去花市。

    We went to the flower market on Sunday .

  2. 我是KVLA13频道的KelvinMoore目前正在市中心的花市采访SimonPham,是P-H-A-M没有F

    Kelvin Moore here , KVLA Channel 1 3 ... right here at the downtown flower mart with Mr. Simon Pham ... that 's P-H-A-M , not with an F.

  3. 黛安娜和她的男朋友杰瑞德正在假日花市里

    Diana and her boyfriend Jared are at a weekend flower market

  4. 城市很美,有个挺有意思的花市。

    It is a pretty city with AN interesting flower MARKET .

  5. 周五我们要去花市。

    On Friday , we 'll go to the flower market .

  6. 现在我们是在花市第一次相遇了。

    Now we met for the first time at the flower market .

  7. 这里每个礼拜天早上都有室内花市。

    An indoor flower market is regularly held here on Sunday mornings .

  8. 凯西和艾凡骑车到市内的一个花市。

    Kathy and Evan ride to one of the city 's flower markets .

  9. 花市还开着吗

    Jenny : Hey , you think the farm market is still open ?

  10. 黄石花市观赏植物的调查

    Survey on landscape plants in Huangshi flower market

  11. 我去了趟花市。我买了盆花。

    I have been to the flower market . I bought a pot of flower .

  12. 希望所有的交易成本都能像阿斯米尔花市或者筑地鱼市场那样,成为令人心动的一景。

    If only all transaction costs could be as thrilling a spectacle as Aalsmeer or Tsukiji .

  13. 花点时间逛一下当地花市,而不是打电话或网上预订。

    Take time to visit a local florist rather than calling an 800 number or ordering online .

  14. 去年元夜时,花市灯如昼。

    In the Lantern Festival night of last year , The flowers market was bright as daylight .

  15. 先生受邀为某园艺刊物拍摄一组花市照片,于是我们来到当地最大的一个花市。

    As be invited to photo for a gardening magazine , we got the biggest local flower market .

  16. 去到当地的花市或苗圃买一株像那样子的。

    Go out to your local garden centre or tree nursery and try to buy one like that .

  17. 在格拉斯的花市,这里摆满了各种你见过或者没见过的花卉和植物。

    In Grasse 's flower market , there are so many flowers and plants that you may or may not have seen before .

  18. 仅在周日开放,伦敦东部的哥伦比亚路花市是挑选雏菊和牡丹的理想之地。

    Open on Sundays only , the Columbia RoadFlower Market in East London is the perfectspot to test out those daisy and peony bouquets .

  19. 巴黎最新的骇人消息是杜丹的罪案,杜丹曾把他兄弟的脑袋丢在花市的水池里。

    The most recent Parisian sensation was the crime of dautun , who had thrown his brother 's head into the fountain of the flower-market .

  20. 喏大的花市,任意逛,各种各样的植物花草,花盆、雕塑随意观赏拍摄,这样的工作谁不喜欢?

    Such big market , strolling freely , photo all kinds of plants , herb , flower , furniture , who don 't like such work ?

  21. 在花市她在花亭前转来转去,由于她的决定她看得愈发的清楚了,她是这样想的。

    At the flower market she walked up and clown in front of the stalls , and saw more clearly because of her decision , so she thought .

  22. 一天傍晚,他坐在边窗旁,吃着李子干,把核扔在下面空无一人的花市的巨大伞顶上。

    One evening he was sitting at the side window eating some prunes and throwing the stones on to the tops of the huge umbrellas in the deserted flower market .

  23. 土地退化不仅是目前全球性的重大环境问题,而且也是重大的经济问题和社会问题,分析了土地退化过程的不可逆性及攀权花市的土地退化过程。

    Land degradation is not only a great environmental problem at present , but also a great economical and social problem . The nonreversibility of land degradation processes and the land degradation processes of Panzhihua City have been analysed .

  24. 现在在所有老外密集居住的地方都有真的冷杉树出售而且在当地花市中供货也不成问题这表明至少有一部分中国人也开始重视这个节日。

    Now there are sellers of real trees all around the expat-heavy area where we live and they are also abundant at local flower markets , indicating that at least some of the growth is due to more Chinese marking the holiday .

  25. 野餐那天,我6点钟起床,到科文特花市给朵拉买了最新鲜最漂亮的一束花。10点钟,我骑着马来到了斯本罗先生家。

    On the day of the picnic , I got up at six in the morning and went to Govent Garden market to buy the freshest and most beautiful flowers for Dora , and by ten o'clock I was riding towards the Spenlows'house .