
huā xù
  • Gags;titbits;interesting sidelights
花絮 [huā xù]
  • [titbits (of news);interesting sidelights] 轻柔的花朵。比喻各种零星而有趣的新闻

  • 运动会花絮

花絮[huā xù]
  1. 新闻花絮包含三个方面的特征,即题材的趣味性、情节的戏剧性、手法的多样性。

    The titbits of news include the following characteristics : interest of theme , drama character of plot and variety of expression skills .

  2. 新闻花絮报道,作为现代消息写作中的一种变体,是一种短小精悍、轻松活泼、风趣幽默的报道样式。

    The report of titbits of news , as one variety of writing of modern news , is short , lively and full of humor and interest .

  3. Mediameshing指拿着手机或平板电脑等掌中设备,一边看电视节目,一边在这些设备上对节目发表评论或查看相关花絮,即“媒体结合”。

    Media meshing is the activity of using hand-held electronic devices ( e.g. mobile phones , tablet computers ) to make comments or read about a TV program at the same time as watching it .

  4. 庆典活动包括在HBOMax流媒体平台上交互式的《权游》聚焦页面直播节目,订阅用户可以欣赏到150多个幕后花絮、剧组访谈、剪辑片段和预告片。

    The celebratory event includes an interactive page on the HBO Max streaming service , live now , with over 150 videos of behind-the-scenes extras , cast interviews , clips , and trailers available to subscribers .

  5. 成龙和伯特·雷诺兹都喜欢在他们电影的结尾字幕时播放拍摄花絮。

    Jackie Chan and Burt Reynolds are both famous for including such reels with the closing credits of their movies .

  6. 你刚看到的一切,包括幕后花絮,都是用iPhone13Pro拍摄的。

    Everything you just saw , including the behind the scenes footage , was shot on iPhone 13 Pro .

  7. 比如,新奥尔良《时代花絮报》(Times-Picayune)的幕后老板是先进出版公司(AdvancePublications)。

    The New Orleans Times-Picayune , for example , is owned by advance publications .

  8. 另一个有趣的花絮是SKPlanet的应用内购的三分之一是用礼券支付。

    Another interesting tidbit is that a third of SK Planet 's in-app purchases are paid for with gift certificates .

  9. 播放机可以支持2160p图像和视频的播放,但碟子本身的容量放不下大多数4K电影以及常常被包含在蓝光光碟里面的花絮。

    The player can support playout of 2160p images and video , but the discs themselves don 't have the capacity to hold most 4K movies and the extras that are often included in Blu-ray .

  10. 这些花絮(也叫outtake)经常会成为电视节目的素材,有时也会在喜剧电影结尾出字幕时播放。

    These bloopers , or outtakes as they are also called , are often the subject of television shows or are occasionally revealed during the credit sequence at the end of comedy movies .

  11. 我在翻阅晚报上的花絮新闻。

    I was gleaning the stray items from the evening papers .

  12. 时装秀的幕后花絮在阅读过程中增加乐趣。

    Enjoy the interest via reading the feature behind the fashion show .

  13. 这就是这个班毕业时候的几个好一点的花絮了。

    These are the good anecdotes of this graduation .

  14. 世界游泳锦标赛花絮(一)

    Items from the World Swimming Championships ( 1 )

  15. 新增华仔天地会员活动花絮视频。

    Videos added in " Member Activity Highlights " .

  16. 这是于雅典及圣托里尼拍照时的花絮。

    Here is the " making of " taken in Athens and Santorini .

  17. 你应该在结束时加上拍摄花絮。

    You should have put bloopers at the end .

  18. 这样您不需要再为添加电影花絮而在包装中增加额外的碟片。

    No need to add extra discs to the package for the bonus materials .

  19. 以下是一些活动花絮。

    Here is some highlights of the activity .

  20. 湖南永州市第二届”巴克兰杯“中学生英语口语大赛花絮(2009.07。)

    The2nd Buckland Cup Yongzhou High School English Speech Contest finals ( 2009.07 . )

  21. 昨晚派对的小花絮

    portions of last night 's party .

  22. 三位演员也将讲述台前幕后最激动人心的花絮。

    The three actors talk about the most exciting scenes both on and off the screen .

  23. 新迷你会-提供消息、活动花絮。

    Provides club news and activities .

  24. 成龙和伯特雷诺兹都喜欢在他们电影的结尾字幕时播放拍摄花絮。

    Jackie Chan and Burt Reynolds are both famous for including such reelswith the closing creditsof their movies .

  25. 新华社罗马8月31日电世界游泳锦标赛花絮(一)

    Xinhua news agency , Rome , August 31 . Items from the World Swimming Championships ( 1 )

  26. 事实上,如果这是一部电影,我的花絮肯定比正片还多!

    In fact , if this were a film , I 'd have more outtakes than usable footage !

  27. 展会上将展示影片的道具、服装,以及电影《王牌主持人》的片段,还有一些幕后精彩花絮。

    It features props , costumes and footage from the Anchorman movie and showcases the reality rooted in the parody .

  28. 电影末尾拍摄花絮的审美娱乐功能&以成龙主演的电影为例

    The Entertainment Function of Shooting Feature in the Ending of Film & Take the Film Acted by Jack Chan as Example

  29. 德莱佛还透露了一些其他的幕后花絮,包括最近和他合作的几位演员的情况。

    Driver gave a few other tidbits about life behind the scenes , as have a few of his co-stars recently .

  30. 娱乐新闻中播了一段晓琪拍新专辑封面照的花絮。场景包括户外咖啡座、电影院、书店、城市大街、等等。

    In this episode of entertainment news , there is a coverage report on Winnie shooting photos for her new album .