
  • 网络inner city;inner-city;Innere Stadt
  1. 内城区的区位特征与低收入者的就业可达性

    Location Characteristics of Inner-city Neighborhoods and Employment Accessibility of Low-wage Workers

  2. 荒废的内城区可以廉价出售用来修建房屋。

    Derelict inner-city sites could be sold off cheaply for housing .

  3. 被忽略的内城区已经陷入更进一步地贫穷和衰败。

    The neglected inner-city area that has sunk further into poverty and decay .

  4. 在我们国家,有些特定区域的孩子总是在学业上处于下游,比如,内城区的孩子,或印第安人居留地里的孩子。

    In our country , there are groups of students who chronically underperform , for example , children in inner cities , or children on Native American reservations .

  5. 从2002年开始,广州市规划局提出在市内城区楼宇间建设空中步行连廊的规划设想,拟在广州市多个人流、商业集中区域进行连廊建设。

    The Guangzhou City Planning Bureau started to think about the planning of elevated pedestrian corridors connecting buildings to be provided at a number of business centers with high pedestrian flows in the urban area since 2002 .

  6. 政府大力推行改造内城贫民区的计划。

    The government pushed through schemes to rejuvenate the inner cities