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  • Internal documents;internal file
  1. 本文分析了公钥基础设施(PublicKeyInfrastructure简称PKI)系统安全的构成,及传统模式下单位内部文件处理的一般程序。

    The essay analyzes the safe formation of public key infrastructure , and the general programmed of internal file processing of practical model .

  2. 本文利用FORTRAN-77结构化程序设计语言中提供内部文件的概念,实现了在IBM-PC系列机上FORTRAN-77中的字符串分析处理功能。

    This paper using the concept of internal file in FORTRAN-77 , realizes the character string analysis and processing functions of FORTRAN-77 in a series of IBM-PC.

  3. 文献代码是内部文件的唯一标识符,它由TI定义、储和找回数据手册。

    The literature number is a unique identifier used by TI to identify , store , and retrieve a data sheet in internal files .

  4. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)昨日公布了一批内部文件。该行表示,这些文件证明,其次贷交易的动机是审慎风险管理,而非投机。

    Goldman Sachs yesterday released internal documents that it said demonstrated that its subprime mortgage trading reflected prudent risk management rather than speculation .

  5. 知情人士表示,他们全都与sec的执法律师进行了数小时的谈话,并提供了银行内部文件。

    All of the men spent hours with SEC enforcement attorneys and provided internal bank documents , people familiar with the matter say .

  6. 英国石油(BP)内部文件显示,在2005年其美国得克萨斯市炼油厂致命的爆炸事故发生之前,该公司针对加强环境管控一事游说成功,得以在监控和设备升级上节约1.5亿美元。

    BP successfully lobbied against tighter environmental controls by regulators in Texas , saving $ 150m in monitoring and equipment upgrades prior to the fatal Texas City refinery explosion in 2005 , internal documents show .

  7. 一份欧盟(EU)内部文件推断,尽管联合国(UN)对伊朗进行制裁,且多年来与之进行谈判,但该国将有能力开发足够装备一枚核弹的武器级原料。

    Iran will be able to develop enough weapons-grade material for a nuclear bomb , in spite of United Nations sanctions and years of negotiations , an internal European Union document has concluded .

  8. 新的GUI配置界面也值得关注,相对于在README文件中找出要修改的内部文件,这个界面友好得多。

    Also of interest is the new GUI configuration screen , which is much friendlier than digging through READMEs to figure out which internal files to change .

  9. 印航官员也向BBC证实,该公司的确下达了此项规定,不过他们也表示此项规定只是内部文件,他们不能公开置评。

    Airline officials confirmed to the BBC that the directive had been issued , but said it was part of an internal document which they could not comment on publicly .

  10. 与摩根士丹利(morganstanley)合作的一家计算机安全公司的内部文件显示,在谷歌(google)去年曝光的中国黑客对100多家西方企业发起的复杂攻击中,摩根士丹利是目标之一。

    Morgan Stanley was among the targets of a sophisticated hacking campaign from China that penetrated more than 100 Western businesses and was disclosed last year by Google , according to internal documents from a computer security company working with the investment bank .

  11. 最近,由于《权利的游戏》剧情遭黑客泄露,HBO雇佣一家安全公司来删除互联网上的有关搜索结果。而这家安全公司透露,入侵的黑客窃取了“数以千计的HBO内部文件”。

    A security company hired by HBO to scrub search results for the hacked files from search engines has told Google that the hackers stole " thousands of Home Box Office ( HBO ) internal company documents . "

  12. 据英国石油公司内部文件显示,这份协议还包括这样一项条款:英国石油公司将不承担秋明石油公司与Norex公司纠纷有可能引发的任何损失、索赔或其他任何性质的要求。

    The deal also included a provision indemnifying BP from any losses , claims or demands of any nature that might arise from TNK 's dispute with Norex , according to an internal BP document .

  13. 来自服务于军人家庭的医保计划Tricare的信息以及Insys公司的内部文件显示,拿钱最多的这20名医生——多为痛症专科医师——同时也是最常给患者开Subsys的人。

    Many of the 20 highly paid doctors - most of them pain specialists - were also top prescribers of Subsys , according to prescribing information from Tricare , the health insurance program for military families , and internal Insys documents .

  14. 每个企业或中小学都需要建立一个内部文件服务器。

    Every business or school needs to create an internal file server .

  15. 你不能看,它是内部文件。

    You can 't see it , it 's an internal document .

  16. 风险管理和质量改善目的的内部文件。

    Incident REPORTS are internal documents for risk management and quality improvement purposes .

  17. 你们自由查阅了世卫组织整套内部文件。

    You were given unfettered access to the complete set of WHO internal documents .

  18. 目标内部文件标识符不正确。

    The target internal file identifier is incorrect .

  19. 同样,还要仔细选择你将把这些内部文件送给谁。

    Also , choose carefully the people to whom you send these internal documents .

  20. 无法再获得内部文件的标识。

    No more internal file identifiers available .

  21. 《凯撒健康新闻》的记者杰伊·汉考克表示,他的组织获得了联合包裹服务公司的内部文件。

    Kaiser Health News reporter Jay Hancock says his organization obtained internal documents from UPS .

  22. 本文研究的内部文件认证导出技术就是这一方案的集中体现。

    This article studies the house document authentication derives the technology is this plan centralism manifests .

  23. 据从百思买泄漏的内部文件显示,这套方案将在本月底开始付诸实施。

    A leaked memo from Best Buy suggests that the program will kick off at the end of this month .

  24. 文件系统统计信息用来提供加密、临时、内部文件系统的空闲和总的空间信息。

    File system statistics are provided for free and total space of the encrypted , temporary , and internal file systems .

  25. 《华尔街日报》看过的内部文件显示,这些短期荐股信息有时与高盛长期研究报告有出入。

    Internal documents reviewed by the Journal show that at times , these short-term trading tips differed from Goldman 's long-term research .

  26. 部分受到行业内部文件在各种针对烟草公司的诉讼中所表明的情况的驱使,其他调查仍在继续进行。

    Other investigations continue , spurred on , in part , by internal industry documents released in various lawsuits brought against tobacco companies .

  27. 没有更多的内部文件标识符。设立符合国际标准的文字、图形导向标识。

    No more internal file identifiers available . Adequate written and graphic guiding signs of international standards will be erected along the streets .

  28. 股东名册是公司的内部文件,主要记载股东及其出资或者其股份的信息。

    The share register is the inner paper of a company , mainly recording the information of the shareholders and their contribution or shares .

  29. 另外,毒奶粉事件曝光之后,一份「三鹿关于危机事件的内部文件」,详细揭露了三鹿集团的危机处理内情。

    Following the breaking of the scandal , a Sanlu internal document has emerged that describes in detail how the company managed the crisis .

  30. 在周一的声明中,美国商务部公布了两份中兴的内部文件,用以佐证该部对中兴提出的违反制裁的指控。

    In Monday 's statement , the Commerce Department provided two internal ZTE documents to back up the claims that the company was violating sanctions .