
  • 网络strategic force
  1. 世卫组织可利用证据的战略力量,促进更为协调的方针。

    WHO can encourage a more coordinated approach using the strategic power of evidence .

  2. 第三,我们要改进我国的军事系统,特别是在战略力量方面。

    Thirdly , we want to modernize our military establishment , particularly in the strategic forces .

  3. 这当然不容忽视,但无法弥补其战略力量的匮乏。

    This is far from negligible , but cannot make up for the lack of strategic power .

  4. 从普京亲自视察以核弹试验发射为主的军事演习看出他对实现俄罗斯战略力量现代化的重视。

    His visibility at exercises featuring nuclear test launches underscores his commitment to modernizing Russia 's strategic forces .

  5. 然而只有使我们的战略力量和常规力量都现代化了,才能保证威慑有效,和平占上风。

    Yet the modernization of our strategic and conventional forces will assure that deterrence works and peace prevails .

  6. 我们认定:要想保持稳定,就要求战略力量不易被进攻所摧毁,从而打消双方中任何一方想首先进攻的动机。

    We determined that stability required strategic forces invulnerable to attack , thus removing the incentive on either side to strike first .

  7. 最初的分工局面法国拿出政治与战略力量,德国拿出经济和货币力量已经随着苏联的解体而烟消云散。

    The initial division of labour between French political and strategic power and German economic and monetary strength ended with the Soviet Union .

  8. 但在两极格局内部,却蕴涵着极大的不稳定性,并由此导致了两大阵营的分化和解体,其他全球性战略力量的发展和壮大。

    But there was great instability in both camps , and thus resulted in the disintegration of each camp and the development of other strategic powers .

  9. 美国如果在这个地带顺利得手,将不利于其他战略力量在未来国际格局中的态势;

    If the United States gets upper hand in this belt , other strategic forces will be in an unfavorable posture in the future international pattern .

  10. 中欧都主张世界多极化,支持经济全球化,维护文明多样性,是推动世界和平与发展的重要战略力量。

    Both supporting a multi-polar world , economic globalization and diversity of civilizations , China and the EU are important strategic forces for promoting global peace and development .

  11. 这表明当今世界力量的基本事实:美国军事上的决定性优势导致世界战略力量对比严重失衡,国际社会缺乏对美国超强力量的制约和维持国际战略格局稳定的力量。

    Such indicates that : the definitive military predominance of the US leads to severe unbalance on the powers ' order , while the international society lacks restriction to the super power .

  12. 而同一时期的美苏实力相对衰落,这样,战后形成的国际战略力量结构发生了变化,表明在美苏两极均势格局下开始出现了其他力量中心。

    The strategic forces after the second world war , therefore , underwent some changes , giving rise to some other emerging powers under the general global power pattern dominated by USA and USSR .

  13. 新世纪以来,在国际战略力量失衡的背景下,走在强国富民道路上的俄罗斯面临越来越严峻的国家安全形势。

    In the new century , on the unbalance background of the international strategic strength , the Russian , on the road of the " power and strong ", faces more and more severe national security situation .

  14. 但它在这个地带被伤筋动骨甚至最终导致其全球霸权崩溃,也未必符合其他战略力量的根本利益。

    But if the United States were seriously battered in this region , thus leading to the collapse of American global hegemony , such a situation might not be in the best interest of other strategic forces .

  15. 作为欧亚大陆两大国际战略力量,俄欧两者间关系及其走势不仅事关欧洲的安全与稳定,而且对全球大国关系的发展和整个世界局势产生重大影响。

    Both Russia and Europe are so strategically important in the Eurasia that their relation and direction of the relation are profoundly consequential not only to peace and stability in Europe but to the development of relations among major powers and world pattern as a whole .

  16. 强化国家战略科技力量,推进国家实验室建设,完善科技项目和创新基地布局。

    The building of national laboratories will continue , and the layout of science and technology programs and innovation centers will be improved .

  17. 报告称,中国通过部署远距离弹道导弹,继续发展其战略核力量。

    The report said China was continuing to develop its strategic nuclear forces by fielding long-range ballistic missiles .

  18. 其次,苏联陆海空三位一体的战略核力量的形成使其失去了存在的物质技术基础;

    Second , the formation of Soviet Union 's trinity strategic nuclear power made it lose the material force and technological foundation .

  19. 在地面战你要操作单个的队员,应用战略的力量进到下一关卡。

    In the ground war you have to operate individual team members , the application of the strategic forces into the next hurdle .

  20. 坚持有限规模、有效威慑原则,注重单一战略核力量发展是其核力量发展战略。

    Adhering to the limited scale , effective deterrent principles and focusing on a single strategic nuclear weapons development constitute the British nuclear power development strategy .

  21. 在核时代的背景下,海上核打击力量及战略投放力量,彰显出巨大的战略威慑力和国际政治影响力。

    With the context of nuclear times , the strategic power and international political influence of nuclear attacking strength in oceans and strategic throwing-in strength , has been evident .

  22. 拜登还说,美国将继续就此问题同北约和俄罗斯进行磋商。俄罗斯反对在捷克和波兰部署导弹防御系统,认为这危及它的战略威慑力量。

    Mr. Biden also said the United States will continue consulting on the matter with NATO and with Russia , which has opposed the program as a threat to its strategic deterrence .

  23. 本文介绍了俄罗斯海基战略核力量现状及战略核潜艇需求量的数学模型,分析了未来的发展趋势。

    This paper introduces the present situation of sea-based strategical nuclear power , presents the mathematical model of the demands for strategical nuclear-powered submarine in Russian , and analyses the development trend in the future .

  24. 俄罗斯军方总办事处的维克托·波兹尼希尔中将表示,美国部署反导系统的计划旨在限制俄罗斯和中国的战略核力量,巩固其自身霸权。

    Lt. Gen. Viktor Poznikhir from Russian military 's General Staff said that the U.S. 's plan to deploy the anti-missile systems is aimed at curbing both Russia and China 's strategic nuclear strength and consolidating its own hegemony .

  25. 东湖高新区成为继中关村之后的第二个国家自主创新示范区,在享受国家给予的各种优惠政策的同时,也要为建设创新型国家、实施国家自主创新战略贡献力量。

    East Lake High-tech Zone has become the second national innovation demonstration zone after Zhongguancun . While enjoying various preferential policies granted by the State , we should also contribute to build an innovative country and implement of the national innovation strategy .

  26. 主体战略要靠主体力量去实现;

    A principal strategy have to be realized by the principal force ;

  27. 美国关于安全战略、世界力量划分和对外政策的新调整

    The US security strategy , world power differentiation and foreign policy : a new adjustment

  28. 高等师范院校大学生作为国家宝贵的人才资源,是我国实施科教兴国战略的重要力量。

    State of College Students as a valuable human resources is our implementation of " technology and education " of the strategy of power .

  29. 印度启动了一项全国性的生物技术战略,集中力量发掘生物技术长期有益于农业、卫生和环境方面的潜力。

    India has launched a national biotechnology development strategy focusing on biotechnology 's potential to provide long-term benefits for agriculture , health and the environment .

  30. 冷战结束后,俄罗斯采取更为现实的做法,积极发展海军,以加强海上战略核威慑力量为突破口,重视海上的国际合作,切实维护好与俄罗斯利益相关的海上通道的安全。

    After the Cold War , Russia developed Navy , strengthened maritime strategy , valued international maritime cooperation and maintenance the security and cooperation of international strategy passage .