
fánɡ shì
  • 房地产交易市场 housing (or property) market
  1. FirstTrust公司的首席经济学家布莱恩·韦斯伯里说,这充分证明了房市正在回暖。

    First Trust Chief Economist Brian Wesbury says it underscores the rebound in housing .

  2. 而房屋销量本来应当保持增长,尤其是在美联储(Fed)和美国政府竭尽所能提振房市的情况下。

    And home sales are supposed to keep rising , especially when the Fed and the U.S. government are doing everything they can to juice them .

  3. 根据国家不动产经纪人协会(NationalAssociationofRealtors),总体上,二月份的房市虚弱可能一直是天气不好、是因评估虚报达成的交易的取消、是销售高度不振等因素所造成的。

    Overall , February 's weakness could have been driven by bad weather , deals canceled over lowball appraisals and a higher number of distress sales , according to the National Association of Realtors .

  4. 在房市膨胀期,像Countrywide这样的放贷方在没有认证他们的收入或支付能力时例行公事班的向客户发放贷款。

    During the housing boom , lenders such as Countrywide routinely gave mortgages to people without documenting their income or ability to pay .

  5. 龙洲经讯(GavekalDragonomics)咨询公司分析师仔细分析了房价下降背后的原因,他们的研究发现对预计中国将经历房市低迷的人们来说令人鼓舞。

    But analysts at Gavekal Dragonomics have zeroed in on the cause , and their findings are encouraging for those expecting China to muddle through a property downturn .

  6. 房市出现了泡沫;这一点现在看来已是无庸置疑了。

    We had a housing bubble ; that 's now obvious .

  7. 龙洲经讯的结论是,上述城市的房市正在经历调整。

    Gavekal 's conclusion is that these areas are correcting themselves .

  8. 降温的房市是否会影响消费?

    Will consumer spending be affected by a cooler housing market ?

  9. 这对未来的房市来说是个好迹象。

    That 's a very good sign for future housing activity .

  10. 二手房市:现金收购你得实惠了吗?

    Second-hand property market : " cash acquisition " you may benefit ?

  11. 房地产企业在房市观望时期的定价策略

    Pricing Strategies of Real Estate Enterprises during Seesaw Period of Housing Market

  12. 调查显示,企业期望雇佣更多职员,房市也将加强。

    Survey shows businesses anticipate hiring more workers and strengthening housing market .

  13. 而由于房市复苏建筑业就业人数持续增长。

    But construction is still picking up as the housing market improves .

  14. 银行和政府正在抵抗的或许是难以逆转的房市下滑势头。

    They and the government may be fighting housing-market gravity .

  15. 基于房产消费特点的房市拐点解读

    Analysis of Housing Market Inflection Point based on Real Estate Expense Characteristic

  16. 房贷利率低刺激了房市。

    Relatively low mortgage rates are stimulating the housing market .

  17. 房市转冷新政能否刺破长三角坚硬的泡沫?

    Housing City to the cold hard political bubble can burst Delta ?

  18. 房市泡沫的一个副作用就是用地紧张。

    Tight conditions are a side-effect of the housing bust .

  19. 随着人们居住消费水平的提高,房市的发展成熟,市场呼唤成品房。

    With the development of dwelling level , market requires more finished house .

  20. 法国,瑞典和丹麦的房市都有类似程度的增长。

    France , Sweden and Denmark have all had booms of similar size .

  21. 不过,经济活动的减缓已经扩展到房市以外的行业。

    However the slowdown in economic activity has spread outside the housing sector .

  22. 这项指数还表明,房市复苏是可持续的。

    The index 's yet another sign that the housing recovery is sustainable .

  23. 但汇丰的报告首次给出了房市出现明显调整的量化证据。

    But the HSBC report provided the first quantitative evidence of a significant correction .

  24. 房市会有怎样的发展?

    What will happen to the house markets ?

  25. 意见集中在对房市现状必须采取的措施。

    Ideas abound on what must be done .

  26. 他们投资美房市的愿望非常强烈。

    The desire among them to invest in US real estate is very strong .

  27. 共和党人说,民主党的计划是不负责任的,等于是让政府挽救房市。

    Republicans say the Democratic plan is irresponsible , and amounts to a bailout .

  28. 尽管如此,许多地方政府现在很担心房市的下挫。

    Even so , many local governments are now deeply worried about the downturn .

  29. 中国的房市正在下行,没人知道下行幅度有多大。

    China 's housing market is heading downward , how severely no one knows .

  30. 从房市来看,一个越来越普遍的共识就是,房市终于已经触底。

    On housing , there is a growing consensus that the market has finally hit bottom .