
  • 网络Golden Bear;Gold Bear;Jack Nicklaus
  1. 她出演的第一部电影红高粱获得中国历史上首个柏林金熊奖。

    Her first work ," Red Sorghum ", won the first Golden Bear Award in China 's history .

  2. “格巴维察”已经赢得了几个奖项,包括柏林电影节的金熊奖。

    " Grbavica " has already won several awards , including the Golden Bear at the Berlin film festival .

  3. 这首诗促成了“帕迪亚1968年金熊”(Padilla1968GoldenBear)雪茄的诞生,以其朴实的香味向这位诗人致敬。

    Such lyricism inspired the Padilla 1968 Golden Bear cigar , an earthy-flavored tribute to the poet .

  4. 金熊高尔夫队自1980年春天以来取得了长足的进步。

    The Bears'program has made tremendous strides since the spring of1980 .

  5. 土耳其电影-蜜蜂,非常意外地获得了本届电影节炙手可热的金熊奖最佳影片奖。

    The Turkish film , Bal ( Honey ), was the surprise winner of the coveted Golden Bear for best picture at the festival .

  6. 为适应我国造纸工业的迅速发展,金熊公司在这几年中为国产和进口造纸机提供了价廉质优的造纸毛毯。

    It was introduced that some felts of high quality made by Golden Bear Company for many imported paper machines and homemade ones in this paper .

  7. 这部小说改编的电影《红高粱》由张艺谋导演,获得了第三十八届柏林国际电影节最佳故事片金熊奖。

    The movie " Red Sorghum , " directed by Zhang Yimou , was adapted from this novel and won the 38th Berlin Film Festival Golden Bear Award .

  8. 柏林电影节颁发最佳影片金熊奖和一系列银熊奖,到今年为止银熊奖还包括最佳男演员和最佳女演员奖。

    The festival awards a Golden Bear for the best film and a series of Silver Bears , which until this year included best actor and best actress honors .

  9. 该片在2月份的柏林国际电影节上获得了最佳影片“金熊奖”,主演廖凡获得最佳男演员“银熊奖”。

    It grabbed the top prize -- the coveted Golden Bear award -- at the Berlin International Film Festival in February , and Liao Fan was named best actor .

  10. 作为著名导演,他赢得了包括金狮奖,金熊奖和评审团大奖在内的众多奖项,并且他监制的三部电影也获得了奥斯卡奖的提名。

    The famous director won many awards including the Golden Lion , Golden Bear and Grand Jury prizes , and three of his films were nominated for the Academy Award .

  11. 1996年初该影片在金球奖中获得最佳影片奖和最佳剧本奖,并在柏林电影节获最佳影片金熊奖。

    Early in 1996 , the film won Best Picture and Best Screenplay at the Golden Globe awards and , at the Berlin Film Festival , a Golden Bear award for Best Picture .

  12. 李安的第二部电影《喜宴》荣获了柏林金熊奖并获得金球和奥斯卡的最佳外语片提名。

    Lee 's second film , The Wedding Banquet , won the Golden Bear in the Berlin Film Festival and was nominated for Best Foreign Language Film in the Golden Globe and the Academy Awards .

  13. 2001年,李安的“卧虎藏龙”拿下了奥斯卡的最佳外语片奖,而后他又在柏林电影节上凭借“婚礼宴会”一片摘得最佳金熊大奖。

    Ang Lee 's film " Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon " won Oscar 's Best Foreign Film award in2001 and his " Wedding Banquet " won Golden Bear award in Berlin International Film Festival in2001 .

  14. 《千与千寻》获得了柏林电影节金熊奖,在日本打破了《泰坦尼克号》的票房记录,也是历史上第一部在北美放映之前就创造了2亿票房记录的电影。

    " Spirited Away ," which won the Berlin Film Festival , has passed " Titanic " at the Japanese box office and is the first film in history to gross $ 200 million before even opening in North America .

  15. 另一部电影是张艺谋执导的《三枪拍案惊奇》,张艺谋在1988年以《红高粱》为中国赢得第一个金熊奖。

    The other is the newest film " San qiang pai an jing qi "(" A Woman , A Gun And A Noodle Shop "), by Zhang Yimou , whose classic " Red Sorghum " won the first Golden Bear for China in1988 .

  16. 西海岸的这类学校只此一家,学生们在北加州的大学校园上课,不过他们也在海上浮动教室名叫“金熊”的培训船上获得经验。

    But not graduates from the California Academy . The academy is the only school of its kind on the West Coast . Students attend classes on the university campus in northern California . But they also gain experience by going to sea in a floating classroom , the training ship Golden Bear .