
  • 网络Kim Yu-Na;yuna kim;Yu na kim;Kim Yuna;kimyu-na
  1. 金妍儿最大的竞争对手、日本选手浅田真央(MaoAsada)因为出现了一系列小失误,最后得分远远落后,获得银牌。

    A series of minute mistakes set her closest rivals far behind her in the final tally .

  2. 周一,人们对韩国花样滑冰女皇金妍儿(KimYu-na)何时退役的猜测终于画上了句号。

    South Korea 's figure skating queen , Kim Yu-na , on Monday finally put an end to persistent speculation about when she 'll retire from the sport .

  3. 金妍儿5月份以诽谤罪起诉了黄相口,但在6月中旬撤诉。

    Kim sued the professor for defamation in May but dropped the charge in mid-June .

  4. 21岁的金妍儿用平静的语调念了一份事先写好的发言稿,但是一直没有抬头,这显示出她的紧张和身上的压力。

    The 21-year-old Kim read out a pre-written script in a calm voice but didn 't look up , showing the nervousness and pressure she was feeling .

  5. 这位六年级的女孩子说,她日本人,日本花样滑冰选手浅田真央和韩国奥林匹克金牌得主金妍儿是友好的对手。

    The sixth-grade girl says she thought Japanese were nice because figure skaters Mao Asada of Japan and South Korea 's Olympic gold medalist Kim Yu Na are friendly rivals .

  6. 金妍儿在新闻发布会上说,她将参加2014年在俄罗斯索契举行的下一届冬季奥林匹克运动会,并努力争夺金牌。这次新闻发布会向韩国国内做了电视直播。

    During a nationally televised press conference , she said she would have another shot at Olympic gold at the next winter games in Sochi , Russia , in 2014 .

  7. 在周一的新闻发布会上,金妍儿表示,她通过与自己对话的方法战胜了压力。她说,如果我因为担心无法拥有最好的表现而不能继续自己运动生涯的话,今后一定会后悔。

    During the press conference on Monday , Kim said she overcame the pressure by talking to herself , " If I give up my career as a skater simply because I fear I won 't show my best performance , I would be really sorry later in life , " she said .