
  • 网络Ziziphus jujuba;zizyphus jujuba;Ziziphus jujuba cv.Jinsixiaozao
  1. 结果:山东乐陵产金丝小枣和大枣中均含有丰富的微量元素,而大枣中的微量元素均不同程度高于小枣。

    Result : the zizyphus jujuba and big jujube in Laoling Shandong are rich in inorganic element , but big jujube contents more inorganic elements in different degree .

  2. 盐胁迫下加硅可以显著提高金丝小枣SOD、POD和GSH-Px的活性且差异显著。

    When silicon was added to soil salt , SOD , POD and GSH-Px activity increased significantly .

  3. 冬枣×金丝小枣杂交后代、冬枣×尖枣杂交后代的POD同工酶酶谱分离情况表明POD2酶带的遗传符合孟德尔分离定律,证明了POD同工酶是受单基因控制。

    The heredity conduct of the single isoperoxidase band conformed to Mendelian law of segregation . It was proved that peroxidase isozyme was controled by a single gene .

  4. 主要研究结果如下:1采用4种干制方法处理赞皇大枣与金丝小枣,对干制时间、干制后枣果的感官品质、主要营养成分和cAMP含量进行了测定。

    The main research results are as follows : 1 . The sense quality , main nutrition content , and cAMP content of ' Zanhuangdazao ' and ' Jinsixiaozao ' jujube , after being dried through 4 different method , has been analysed .

  5. 金丝小枣多糖的提取及脱色研究

    Study on Supersonic Extraction and Decolorization of Polysaccharides from Chinese Jujube

  6. 不同发酵条件对金丝小枣酒酿造过程中高级醇生成的影响

    Effect of different formation conditions on higher alcohols during jujube wine formation

  7. 超声波提取金丝小枣多糖的工艺研究

    Study on Ultrasonically Assisted Extraction of Polysaccharides from Chinese Jujube

  8. 研究并优化了金丝小枣汁的水提工艺。

    The process of jujube juice using by hot water was studied and optimize .

  9. 金丝小枣酒的主要香气化合物为异戊醇,相对含量为34.69%。

    The main flavoring compound was isoamyl alcohol with its relative content as34.69 % .

  10. 气候变化对沧州金丝小枣产量的影响及对策研究

    The Influence of Climate Change on Gold Thread Small Jujube and the Counter Measures in Cangzhou

  11. 叶面喷施钛多收对油桃和金丝小枣果实品质的影响

    Effects of Applying Titanium Chelate to the Foliage on the Fruit Quality of Nectarines and Chinese Dates

  12. 河北板栗、金丝小枣和红小豆品质气候与品质预报

    Quality Prediction and Climate Affecting Quality of Chestnut , Golden Chinese Date and Adzuki Bean in Hebei Province

  13. 目的:探讨山东乐陵产金丝小枣和大枣中微量元素的含量。

    Objective : To discuss the contents of trace elements of in zizyphus jujube and big jujube Laoling Shandong .

  14. 乐陵金丝小枣(以下简称乐陵小枣)具有丰富的营养价值和药用价值,有着广阔的市场前景。

    The golden silk jujube has a wealth of nutritional and medicinal value , which hasa broad market prospect .

  15. 金丝小枣品质的综合评价及其与土体构型关系

    Quality Evaluation of Jinsixiaozao ( Ziziphus jujuba Mill . cv . Jinsixiaozao ) Fruits and Its Relationship with Soil Body Configuration

  16. 农业生态地质环境研究中生物水文地球化学方法以华北平原沧州金丝小枣主产区为例

    Bio-hydrogeochemical methods in research on agroecological geological environment ── with an example from the main growing area of Xihe jujube in North China Plain

  17. 十三岁的小女孩周越家住山东省德州市乐陵,那是一个盛产金丝小枣的地方。

    Zhouyue , 13 years of age , is from Leling city , Shandong Province where is the place to produce world famous gold xiaozao .

  18. 介绍了沧州市近几年选育的金丝小枣、无核枣、鲜食枣3个系列8个枣树优良品种,并对今后的推广工作提出了建议。

    In this paper , 8 excellent jujube varieties newly selected in Cangzhou city are introduced , and the work for the future spreading is discussed .

  19. 为提高经济效益,减少损失,对金丝小枣成年大树移植技术进行了研究。

    In order to improve economic benefit and reduce economic loss , the techniques of transplanting and management for adult jujube trees are studied in this paper .

  20. 主要包括香菇片、苹果片、梨片、胡萝卜片和土豆、甘薯、芋头、冬枣、金丝小枣等多种新产品。

    The products are developed into many varieties , like mushroom , apple slice , pear slice , carrot slice , sweet potato , and golden-thread date , etc.

  21. 通过田间试验比较了沼气发酵残余物(沼渣和沼液)和化肥对金丝小枣部分形态特征、土壤肥力和果实品质等的影响。

    With field experiment , this paper studied the effects of applying biogas fermentation residue ( dregs and slurry ) on jujube growth , its fruit quality , and soil fertility .

  22. 沧州金丝小枣又名西河红枣。因干枣剥开时有金黄丝相连,入口甜如蜜,外形如珠似玑,故称金丝小枣。

    Cangzhou jujube is also known as Xihe dates because when peeling the dry jujube , there are golden silky links , the jujube is sweet in taste and looks like pearl , thus it is called jujube .

  23. 通过筛选,找出了影响产量和品质的10个主要气象因子,并通过这些因子建立了预报金丝小枣产量和品质的数学模型和计算机图形输出模型。

    Ten meteorological factors that affect yield and quality were screened out . According to these factors , a mathematical model and computer model ( graph output ) applied to predict the yield and quality of golden Chinese date were established .