
  • 网络Protectant;protectants;protective agent;preservative;protector
  1. 对柳毒蛾NPV光保护剂的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Light Protectant of Stilpnotia salicis NPV

  2. 目的考察乳酸-羟乙醇酸共聚物(PLGA)微球制备工艺对新城疫病毒的稳定性影响,并寻求合适的保护剂以稳定新城疫病毒的活性。

    OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effects of formulation technique of PLGA microspheres on the stability of Newcastle disease virus and to look for a proper protectant to stabilize Newcastle disease virus .

  3. B组:组织工程骨用不添加冻存保护剂的保存液保存;

    Group B : Tissue engineered bone had been stored in preservation solution without cryopreservation medium .

  4. 纤维素保护剂&Mg(OH)2在化学浆漂白中的应用

    Magnesium Hydroxide : A Cellulose Protector in Chemical Pulp Bleaching

  5. 戊糖乳杆菌R1冻干保护剂的优化研究

    Optimized study on the protective agent of lactobacillus pentosaceus R_1 for freeze drying

  6. 保护剂对K2PtCl6为前体合成纳米铂形状的影响

    Impact of Protector Molecules on the Shape of Pt Nanocrystals Synthesized with K_2PtCl_6 as the Precursor

  7. 方法采用CA-9冻干保护剂,制备冻干疫苗,疫苗液与保护剂之比为3.5∶1。

    Methods Live attenuated hepatitis A vaccine was freeze - dried using CA - 9 as protective agent .

  8. 结果表明:提取CAT时,缓冲剂中不需要加入过多的保护剂;

    The results showed that too much protective substance was not necessary in the buffer during catalase extraction .

  9. 低温保护剂溶液固化性质的DSC研究

    Solidification Properties of Polyalcohols Aqueous Solution Studied by DSC

  10. 通过正交实验得出,染色的pH值对丝光羊毛的强力影响最大,其次是保护剂,次之是染色的温度,最后是染色的时间。

    The sequence which parameters influenced on the strength of wool yarn was pH value , protective agent , temperature , time .

  11. 从这些研究结果中可以看出Dip有可能是一个很好的脑保护剂。

    From above results , we can guess that Dip maybe produce cerebral protective effect .

  12. 本研究的目的是证实B族维生素作为临床常规视神经保护剂的作用,指导该类药物的临床应用;

    The purpose of this study is to prove the efficiency of B vitamins as the routine optic nerve protectors , so as to guide their clinical applying .

  13. 丝素保护剂PAS作用的研究

    A Study on the Effect of the Protective Agent PAS

  14. 保护剂B的最佳添加浓度筛选试验结果表明:1次添加浓度为1%或2%,2次添加浓度为2%。

    The test about best adding concentration of virus preserver B showed that the first adding concentration was 1 % or 2 % , the second was 2 % .

  15. NGF等神经保护剂对脑脊膜没有明显刺激作用。

    There were no side effect on cerebral-spinal membrane while NGF administration by CSF .

  16. 目前尚无一种神经保护剂在III期临床实验中被证实有显著疗效。

    Up to date , No neuroprotective agents have been confirmed with striking therapeutic effects in phase III clinical trials .

  17. 神经保护剂鸡尾酒疗法对海马神经元氧糖剥离(OGD)后神经元凋亡及抗凋亡蛋白Bcl-2表达的影响

    Effect of Neuroprotective Cocktails in Rat Hippocampal Neurons Exposed to Oxygen-Glucose Deprivation

  18. Mg(OH)2作为纤维素保护剂在压力碱性过氧化氢(E(OP))漂白段的应用

    The Use of Magnesium Hydroxide as a Cost Effective Cellulose Protector in the Pressurized Alkaline Peroxide ( E_ ( OP )) Bleaching Stage

  19. C组冷冻保护剂中蔗糖浓度为0.2M,在-7℃植冰。

    In Group C , the cryoprotectant solution contained 0.2M sucrose and the seeding temprature was - 7 ℃ .

  20. 然后通过控制容积法,并结合C语言程序,对于微分方程组进行了求解,最终得到了保护剂在神经球内部浓度的变化曲线。

    And then by the volume controlling method , combined with C language program , the differential equations is solved and the curve for distribution of cryo-protectant in neural stem cell sphere is finally got .

  21. 目的研制重组MVA病毒载体疫苗的耐热冻干保护剂。

    Objective To prepare the stabilizer of freeze-dried recombinant MVA virus vector vaccine .

  22. 采用PVA作为胶体保护剂,产品增稠能力强,稳定性好,耐电解质等综合性能均较好。

    Using the PVA as the protective colloid could increase the thickening ability and stability and electrolyte resistance etc and it was very effective .

  23. 方法在重组HIV-1腺病毒载体活疫苗中加入不同配比的保护剂,在适宜条件下制备成冻干剂型。

    Methods Add stabilizers with different formula into adenovirus-based live HIV vaccine and prepare the vaccine into freeze-dried form under appropriate conditions .

  24. 在解冻时,多步脱除保护剂较一步脱除法更能保护冷冻后的COGs;

    When thawing , multiple - step dilution was advised ;

  25. 四种保护剂的加入可以使蛋白的二级结构得到保留,其中PEG的保护效果最佳,但对三级结构的变化影响不大。

    Four protective agents can stable the protein secondary structure , but less help with the changes in the tertiary structure loss , PEG best protection . 3 .

  26. XD8铁质文物保护剂

    XD_8-protective agent for iron relics

  27. 而紫外线对DNA辐射所导致的损伤又是生命体无法避免的,因此研究紫外线对DNA损伤机制,从而选择优良的DNA保护剂显得非常重要。

    The damage of DNA that caused by UV radiation can not be avoided by life . So the study on mechanism of UV damage to DNA , and the study on seeking a good Protection agent are very important .

  28. Ⅲ组27例(27耳),全部用尼莫地平或氟桂利嗪口服,丹参制剂肌肉注射或口服,并用神经结构保护剂,不用HBO。

    Nimodipine or flunarizine were given by oral administration , red sage root injection was given through im and HBO was not used in group III.

  29. 选用非渗透性保护剂海藻糖(trehalose),起到稳定细胞膜和蛋白质结构的作用,减轻低温状态下细胞水肿。

    Choose the impermeability protective agent-trehalose which plays an important role in stabilizing hepatocytes membrane and protein structure and abates cell swelling . 3 .

  30. HPMC水溶液具有表面活性功能,可作为胶体保护剂,乳化剂和分散剂。

    HPMC solution has the function of surface activity , which can be used as colloid protecting agent , emulsifying agent and dispersant .