
  • 网络recommended students
  1. 我们国家现在招收“保送生”要进行综合能力测试,就是在这方面的有益尝试。

    Our country recruits " to recommend now unripe " should undertake integrated ability checks , it is the beneficial attempt in this respect .

  2. 普通高枝招收免试保送生是招生制度的一项特殊政策。

    Enrollment without requiring entrance examinations from candidates on recommendation is a special policy in enrollment system of higher learning institutions other than key universities .

  3. 在2003年暑假的时候,当时已经知道了自己有资格保送研究生。

    In2003 , when the summer was already known that they have qualified to send a graduate student .

  4. 在本科阶段我学习努力,成绩排名年级第六,并保送研究生。

    When I was a undergraduate , I have got a good achievement of No.6 in my grade and become a graduate without examination .

  5. 基于推荐方式是高校招生制度的构成要素,须厘清高等学校招生制度、推荐制和推荐录取、保送和保送生制度这些概念及其相互关系,并作为研究基础。

    Due to recommendation method is an important part for the composition of university enrolling system , the relations among university enrolling system , recommendation system and recommend enrollment , recommended and student by recommendation system should be clarified and taken as research base .