
  1. 我们的努力不仅创造了一些产品原型,也促成了一些交互式多媒体艺术作品和展览。

    Sometimes our efforts result in a product prototype , other times they result in interactive art pieces or performances .

  2. 第二,借助开发平台是壮文化经济价值开发成功的行为机制,这些行为平台包括旅游产业、创意产业、饮食产业、艺术产业和展览业。

    Secondly , to develop Zhuang culture economic value entails necessary platform , including tourism industry , creativity industry , food industry and art industry and exhibition industry .

  3. 如果你想有更具文化气息,更庄重的体验,盖尔森基兴同样有一系列艺术和摄影的展览。

    07 Sculpture If you want a more cultural , sedate experience , Gelsenkirchen is also staging several art and photographic exhibitions .

  4. 马方将派出一个马耳他当代艺术展览在北京或上海展出,中方将派出一个中国传统艺术和工艺展览。

    The Maltese Party shall send an exhibition of Maltese contemporary art to be exhibited in Beijing or Shanghai while the Chinese Party shall send an exhibition of Chinese traditional arts and crafts .