
  • 网络education;medical education;medicaleducation
  1. 加入WTO给中国高等医学教育带来了机遇和挑战。

    China 's accession to the WTO has brought both opportunities and challenges to China 's high medical education .

  2. 国内基础医学教育运用PBL教学模式的思考

    Reflection of PBL teaching model applied in preclinical medical education in China

  3. 结论:PBL与传统的医学教育模式相比具有突出的优势。

    Conclusion : Compared with the traditional education model , PBL model is of significance in modern medical education .

  4. 及时了解Internet医学教育资源的种类、搜寻方法,正确认识应用Internet医学教育资源存在的问题和解决方法,有利于进一步推动医学教育的改革和发展。

    To know the classification of medical educational resources on Internet in time and the ways of searching for them , and find out the problems existing in the utilization of them in medical education and the solutions will benefit the reform and development of medical education .

  5. 在医学教育领域,有人认为RCT不应当使用,因为学生无权选择自己的学习方法。

    In the context of medical education , it has been argued that RCT should not be considered because students are given no choice over their learning methods .

  6. 通过对急诊医学教育模式的改革,采用网络环境下急诊课程的CAI课件演示,阐述了网络环境下多媒体技术对急诊医学教育的影响,探讨如何发挥出网络教育的巨大潜力。

    By reforming the mode of emergency medicine teaching , we use CAI courseware of emergency treatment in network . The effect of multimedia technology on emergency treatment education in network is expatiated and how to fully apply the network to education is discussed .

  7. 传统的临床医学教育观念已不适应EBM时代的要求,以问题为基础的循证医学的临床教育观念和教学模式,是当今临床医学发展的必然趋势。

    Nowadays , the educational concept of clinical medicine trends of the times of EBM . Nowadays , the educational concept of clinical medicine trends towards problem based EBM with the development of clinical medicine .

  8. 努力发展三年制医学教育为农村培养实用型人才&三年制高等医学教育项目的建立和实施

    Developing Three-year Medical Education to Foster Practical Medical Person for Countryside

  9. 八年制医学教育招生方式探讨

    Exploration on mode of recruiting students in 8-year system medical education

  10. 全球医学教育基础要求&一条通向能力培训的医学教育之路

    Global minimum essential requirements : a road towards competence-oriented medical education

  11. 以科学发展观指导改革提高医学教育质量

    Improving Medical Education Quality under the Guidance of Scientific Development View-point

  12. 我国儿科医学教育的历史和现状

    The history and Present Status of Pediatric Education in Our Country

  13. 对全球医学教育最基本要求的调查与思考

    Survey and thoughts on global minimum essential requirements in medical education

  14. 谈多媒体技术在临床医学教育中的作用

    Role of multimedia techniques in the course of clinical medical education

  15. 医学教育中尊重教育的研究与实践

    Study and practice of " respect education " in medical education

  16. 高等医学教育的特点及其相关问题的思考

    Specialties in higher medical education and reflection on its relevant problems

  17. 构建全科医学教育体系发展社区卫生服务

    Establishing General Medical Education System and Developing Community Health Care

  18. 用科学发展观指导医学教育改革和创新

    Medical Education Reform and Innovation Guided by the View of Scientific Development

  19. 我国毕业后医学教育的现状及毕业后医学教育改革的趋势

    The present situation and change tendency of graduate medical education in China

  20. 利用现代教育技术促进继续医学教育的飞速发展

    Using modern educational technology to accelerate rapid development of CME

  21. 临床营养学教学现状及在医学教育中的作用

    The status of clinical nutriology teaching and its function in medical education

  22. 加强毕业后医学教育建立专科医师培养和准入制度

    Strengthening graduate medical education for constitution doctor 's cultivation and permission system

  23. 合理利用医学教育资源提升综合性大学整体实力

    Utilize the resource reasonably and promote the overall capacity of comprehensive university

  24. 当代中国高等医学教育改革研究

    Research on Reforms of Contemporary China 's Higher Medical Education

  25. 医学教育信息化的理论研究与探讨

    Theoretical Research and Discussion on the Informationization of Medical Education

  26. 对海军舰艇军医实施继续医学教育的思考

    The consideration of CME to medical officers on naval vessels

  27. 合并高校医学教育的发展策略和措施

    The strategies and measures of medical education development for the merged universities

  28. 选修课是高等医学教育课程体系的重要组成部分。

    Selected course is an important part in higher medical educational curriculum .

  29. 护理人员继续医学教育内容与方法研究

    Study on the content and method of continuing education for nursing staff

  30. 医学教育环境测量评价的实践与探索

    Practice and Search on Evaluation of Medical Education Environment Measure