
yī liáo zhàn
  • Medical station;medical point;cottage hospital;medical station health center
  1. 孩子是在医疗站接生的。

    The baby was delivered in the clinic .

  2. 我们在医疗站发现的东西。

    All that stuff we found in the medical station .

  3. 显然这些护士从来没有离开过医疗站或是走开一会儿。

    Apparently , they never leave our ward or take time off .

  4. 旧王朝可以遮掩脚手架和伤兵医疗站。

    The dynasty conceals the scaffolding and covers the ambulance .

  5. 我不想去没有医疗站的地方。

    I don 't need to go back to no aid station .

  6. 美国加州圣芭芭拉医疗站的罗布·舒斯特是此项研究的负责人。他在研究报告中写道,此项研究的参与者每天3次嚼无糖口香糖。

    Study participants had no problem chewing sugarless gum three times a day .

  7. 孩子就是在一个医疗站接生的。

    The baby was delivered in a clinic .

  8. 社区医疗站注射头孢菌素致过敏性休克1例

    Lesson Learned in a Case of Cephalosporin-induced Allergic Shock in a Community Medical Station

  9. 要为医疗站筹集5000块钱是一项他们力不能胜的任务。

    The raising of5000 yuan for the clinic was a task beyond their power .

  10. 这是一个综合社区,有这学校和医疗站。

    So this is a surrounding existing school , and health clinic located on it .

  11. 现试点班毕业生已奔赴当地各全科医疗站。

    Now graduates from the class have well offered their service in the local general medical station .

  12. 医疗站物表金黄色葡萄球菌毒力、耐药性及消毒剂抗性的初步研究

    Virulence , drug resistance and disinfectant resistance of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from surface of substance in medical stations

  13. 反击还夺取了第134步兵团第2营的医疗站和同营的汽车场。

    The counterattack also overruns the aid station of the2 / 134th Infantry and the motor park of the same battalion .

  14. 他们的努力引起了芝加哥康复研究所的注意。这个研究所是美国全国巡回治疗的第二个医疗站。

    Their efforts led Nhan to the Rehabilitation Institute , the second medical stop on a cross-country tour of the United States .

  15. 这些项目里具有代表性的包括改善学校和医疗站,培训妇女掌握工作和组织技能,改善供水和地方道路等。

    Typically , these programs include improving schools and health clinics ; training women in job and organizational skills ; and upgrading water supplies and local roads .

  16. 因为当时并没有医院或者医疗站让人们去寻求帮助,所以在当时不幸患有这个可怕的“法国病”的人就只好被丢弃在大街上,任由他自生自灭了。

    And since there were no hospitals or care homes to speak of , those that caught the dreaded " French disease " were left to suffer out in the open .

  17. 现在全国有乡卫生院47749个,有86.2%的村建立了医疗站和卫生所。

    In the countryside where the majority of Chinese people live , there are 47,749 hospitals at the township level ; health centers or clinics have been set up in 86.2 percent of all villages .

  18. 本系统具有界面友好、操作简单、扩展性良好、监护准确安全等特点,可广泛应用与家庭、社区医院及流动医疗站等场所。

    This system has some features such as friendly interface , simple operation , good scalability , and accurate and safe monitoring . And it can be widely used in family , community hospitals and mobile medical stations and other places .

  19. 美国加州圣芭芭拉医疗站的罗布·舒斯特是这项研究报告的撰写人。他在报告中写道,此项研究的参与者每天嚼3次无糖口香糖。嚼口香糖将刺激人体内某些释放激素的神经,而这些激素有助于促进肠胃系统活动。

    Study participants had no problem chewing sugarless gum three times a day . Chewing stimulates nerves that promote the release of hormones responsible for activating thegastrointestinal system , wrote study author Rob Schuster of Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital in California .

  20. VPN技术在连接社区医疗服务站中的应用

    VPN Technology in Connection Community Medical Service Station Application

  21. 事发后,这位积分领先的车手在驾驶舱里不断摇动他的双腿以使他的身体可以部分从驾驶舱中解脱出来从而在医疗人员到来之前站起来。

    The championship leader was seen moving his legs in the cockpit immediately afterwards , and extracted himself partly from the cockpit , to a standing position within the car , before receiving medical attention at the scene .

  22. 高校社区医院卫生医疗服务客户关系管理研究小区里有医疗服务站吗?

    Research on Relationship between College Community Hospital Health and Medical Service and Its Clients Management ;