
  • 网络Medical imaging;MRI
  1. PET成像是目前广泛研究的医学成像方式之一。

    PET imaging is one of the most widely used medical imaging technologies .

  2. 医学成像和通讯系统的CORBA设计方案

    The CORBA Solution of Medical Imaging and Communication System

  3. 本文从X射线医学成像的背景、原理和现状入手,详细描述了X射线医学视频图像采集与处理系统工作原理和工作过程。

    This paper starts with the running principle and procedure of X-ray Sequential Image Acquisition & Processing System .

  4. 光声成像(Photoacousticimaging)是极具发展潜力的医学成像技术。

    Photoacoustic ( PA ) technique has shown its potential in biomedical imaging .

  5. 反物质/物质反应在医学成像有实际应用,注意正电子放射断层摄影术(PET)。

    Antimatter / matter reactions have practical applications in medical imaging , see Positron emission tomography ( PET ) .

  6. 数字化已成为现代医学成像的主流,摄像机则是数字X射线成像设备中的核心技术。

    Digitization has become main trend in modern medical imaging . The camera used is a key techinque to digital X-ray imaging equipment .

  7. 超声由于不使用电离辐射,与摄片,CT扫描和核医学成像技术,它通常被认为更安全。

    Because ultrasound does not use ionizing radiation , unlike radiography , CT scans , and nuclear medicine imaging techniques , it is generally considered safer .

  8. Radon变换理论现在已经成为CT重建技术的重要基础,这一技术不仅可以应用于医学成像,也同样适用于远程成像等许多图象处理学科。

    The Radon transform is now a mainstay of computerized tomography in medical imaging as well as many other remote-imaging sciences .

  9. 在诸多医学成像手段中,磁共振成像(MagneticResonanceimaging,MRI)具有组织分辨率高、解剖结构显示清晰的特点。

    Among the many methods of medical imaging , magnetic resonance imagine ( MRI ) is characterized for high resolution of tissues and clearity of dissection structure .

  10. 稳定同位素稀释技术随着X射线技术的不断改进,医学成像科学平稳、缓慢地发展了半个多世纪。

    For more than half centuries , the sciences of medical imaging grew steadily but slowly , as incremental improvements were made in the X-ray technique .

  11. 随着各种新的医学成像技术的临床应用,脑肿瘤诊断和治疗技术取得了很大的进展,CT、MRI检查是其有效常用的手段。

    Owing to the application of some new imaging techniques to clinic , great achievements have been done in the diagnosis and treatment of the brain tumor .

  12. 由于光学CT具有无损、简单、经济、便携等优点,是很有发展前途的一种医学成像方式。

    Because of its advantages such as non-invasion , safety , economy , simplicity , and portability , Optical CT is a prospective medical imaging method in the future .

  13. 磁共振成像(MRI)技术因为无创,成像对比度高等优点,成为目前最主要的医学成像手段之一。

    Magnetic Resonance Imaging ( MRI ) is one of the major approaches of medical imaging , because it is non-invasive and provides high imaging contrast .

  14. 这些年来,OCT在医学成像领域,特别是眼科诊断方面,获得了很大的发展。

    These years , it developed very fast in the field of biomedical imaging , especially in ophthalmic diagnoses .

  15. 探测和成像技术的不断发展使得医学成像手段越来越丰富,光学相干层析成像(OpticalCoherencetomography,OCT)就是其中之一。

    The continuous development of detection and imaging technology produced more and more medical imaging methods , one of which is optical coherence tomography ( OCT ) .

  16. 电阻抗断层成像(EIT)是一种全新的医学成像和图像监护技术。

    Electrical impedance tomography ( EIT ) is a novel imaging technology for medical measurements and monitoring .

  17. 正电子发射断层扫描(Positronemissiontomography)作为一种生物医学研究技术和临床诊断手段,是核医学成像装置中最为重要的应用之一。

    Positron Emission Tomography ( PET ) as a biomedical research technique and clinical diagnostic procedure is one of the most important applications in nuclear medical imaging device .

  18. 随着各种医学成像技术的不断发展,医学影像诊断检查与PACS系统在近20年内得到了迅猛的发展。

    With the advance of varies medical imaging techniques , image diagnosis and PACS has been promptly developed in recent 20 years .

  19. 目前医学成像系统已经被广泛应用于医学临床的诊断,尤其是X射线CT因为其清晰、快速的特点,在各大、中医院得到了广泛应用。

    Medical image system , especially X-ray CT , has been widely used for clinical diagnoses . It is fast and can get high quality image , so it is very popular in many hospitals .

  20. 在未来的世纪中,医学成像领域的焦点主要集中在:(1)利用平板薄膜晶体管技术有源阵列在X线摄片中的应用像CT一样普及。

    In the coming century , the medical imaging field will be concentrated on ( 1 ) the utilization of the flat panel TFT active marix array in X ray radiography as well as in volume CT .

  21. 目前,许多新的医学成像方式,如fMRI、PET、SPECT和MEG描记均可进行很好的脑功能成像。

    Many new modalities of medical imaging like fMRI , PET , SPECT and Mapping MEG can do a good job on functional brain imaging .

  22. 光学相干层析成像(OpticalCoherencetomography,OCT)技术是一种新型的医学成像方法,其基于低相干干涉原理,可获得生物组织表层下高分辨率的截面图像。

    Optical Coherence Tomography which is based on the low coherence interference is a new medical imaging method . It can obtain the high resolution cross-section image of the interior biological tissue .

  23. 近年来,随着医学成像技术的蓬勃发展,多层螺旋CT在临床上被广泛使用,使医生可以获得大批量的高精度的CT断层扫描,大大提高了相关疾病的正确诊断率。

    In recent years , with the rapid development of medical imaging technology , multi-slice CT is widely used in clinical practice , so doctors can get a lot of high-precision CT slices which promote the related disease diagnosis .

  24. 然而,传统的医学成像方法,包括x射线成像、超声成像(US)、磁共振成像(MRI)、计算机断层扫描(CT)等在内,都不能直接提供组织的弹性信息。

    However , traditional medical imaging methods , including x-ray imaging , ultrasonic imaging ( US ), magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ), computed tomography ( CT ), etc , can not provide the elasticity information of the tissue directly .

  25. 三维图像较之传统二维图像涵盖了更多信息。随着医学成像诊断仪器的发展,超声、CT和MRI等成像模式的三维成像技术迅速发展。

    With the development of medical imaging diagnostic devices , 3D imaging technique for ultrasound , CT and MRI has become more and more popular , as the volume image contains much more medical information than normal 2D images .

  26. 本文涉及的基于光锥耦合的新型数字X射线成像系统,具有分辨率高,体积小,重量轻,携带方便等优点,能够满足小幅面的医学成像和无损检测的要求。

    The new digital X-ray radiography based on optical fiber taper coupling . It has some advantages of high resolution , light , small volume and portability . It can satisfy the demand of small domain medical imaging and nondestructive testing .

  27. 正电子发射断层(Positronemissiontomography,PET)是一种能够无创地以动态、定量的方式观测到活体生理和生化变化的医学成像工具。

    Positron Emission Tomography ( PET ) can provide tissue functional imaging with the aid of radioisotope , which currently makes it one of noninvasive medical imaging tools observing dynamically and quantitatively the physiological and biochemical changes in vivo .

  28. 随着生物医学工程和计算机科学技术的快速发展,医学成像技术已经普遍应用于临床诊断和治疗,并且各种不同的成像设备也应运而生,如CT、PET、MRI、US等。

    With the rapid development of biomedical engineering and computer technology , medical imaging technology applies more and more extensively in clinical diagnosis and treatment , and many sorts of imaging equipment have been emerged , such as CT , PET , MRI , and US .

  29. 医学成像三维可视化是现代医学的一个重要组成部分,现已有大量文献对3D标量数据场(如:CT、MRI等序列图像组成的标量体数据)的三维可视化算法进行了研究。

    The 3D visualization of medical images is an important part in the modern medical science . At present , there have already had a great deal of articles to describe the 3D visualization of scalar data , such as the CT , MRI images etc.

  30. 根据最新结果显示,目前国内外还没有对大脑皮层温度进行直接监测的成熟方法,基本都集中在利用128导脑电分析仪或CT、MRI等医学成像手段观测大脑皮层血运信息。

    According to up-to-date study result , there is not carrying out direct measurement mature method on the parameter at home and abroad at present , focusing on observing cortex blood circulation information by 128-conduction electroencephalograph and medical imaging means such as CT , MRI .