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  1. 潘岳家世婚姻考订

    A Brief Textual Research on the Genealogy and Marriage of Pan Yue

  2. 潘岳畅谈公众参与环保的必要性。

    Pan Yue on the need for public participation on the environment .

  3. 潘岳。岩石破坏过程的折迭突变模型。

    Flod catastrophe model of damaging process in rock .

  4. 战略环评是构建环境友好型社会的切入点&访国家环境保护总局副局长潘岳

    Strategical Environmental Assessment is the Starting Point of Constructing an Environmental Friendly Society

  5. 潘岳表示:2006年是中国环境形势最为严峻的一年。

    2006 has been the bleakest year for China 's environmental situation , Mr Pan said .

  6. 潘岳是西晋文坛上具有代表性的作家。

    Pan Yue was one of the most important representative writers in the Western Jin Dynasty .

  7. 潘岳:朝着和谐公平的社会前进

    Toward A Fairer Society

  8. 潘岳的哀挽对象广泛,除了应酬之作,其余作品中大都充满了真情。

    His mourning works are widespread , except those mourning someone for the occasion , his works are filled with true feelings .

  9. 该部分从潘岳家世、婚姻、仕官经历等方面追忆潘岳的生平事迹。

    In this part I try to recall his life story from his family background , marriage , the official experiences and so on .

  10. 同时也体现为创作主体的精神超越性,导致了潘岳现象的发生。

    Meanwhile , it will be embodied as spiritual transcendence of the creative subject , and thus brings forth the " Pan Yue phenomenon " .

  11. 潘岳在青少年时期因为才华横溢和容貌出众获得了较高的社会声誉,顺利踏上仕途之路。

    Pan Yue , a young age because of the talented and great looking high social prestige , and successfully set foot on the career road .

  12. 夏侯湛是西晋文坛上的一位重要作家,与潘岳齐名。

    Xiahou Zhan was an important writer on the literary scene of the Western Jin Dynasty , who enjoyed the same high reputation with Pan Yue .

  13. 潘岳发表上述讲话的同时,国家环保总局在其网站上通报了未经过必要环保审批而开设或经营工厂的82家企业。

    Mr Pan 's outburst coincided with Sepa 's naming on its website of 82 companies for opening or operating factories without the required environmental approvals .

  14. 历代评论家对潘岳诗文及创作的评价和对其创作风格及地位的评价也是接受方面的内容之一。

    Successive critics on the Pan Yue , poetry and creative assessment and evaluation of their writing style and status will also accept one of the aspects .

  15. 从文体语言来看,潘岳和陆机都以辞采华美著称,但陆机更刻意追求语言的富赡、典雅,表现出繁缛的特点,潘岳的作品则比较浅切明畅,表现出清绮的风貌。

    Compared from language styles , Pan and Lu both were famous for flowery language , but Lu pursued the elegance and magnificence style more than Pan .

  16. 陆机和潘岳是西晋文学的代表人物,他们的创作代表着西晋文学的一般风尚。

    Lu Ji and Pan Yue were the representative figures of the literature of the West Jin Dynasty , whose works represented the common style of that era .

  17. 在今年4月的一次演讲中,潘岳表示:如果公众不能获取信息,不能表达其担忧,那他们将对政府失去信心。

    In a speech in April , Mr Pan said : The public will lose confidence in the government if they do not have information and cannot express their concerns .

  18. 潘岳《悼亡诗》和元稹《三遣悲怀》是悼亡诗中的名篇,对悼亡诗发展产生了重要影响。

    Pan Yue'Poems of Mourning for the Dead and Yuan Zhen'Three Poems of Conveying the Sorrowful Feelings are famous and greatly influence the development of'poems of mourning for the dead ' .

  19. 盘古之根在中华&驳盘古神话外来从元遗山论诗绝句看潘岳诗品与人品的出入

    Pan Gu Has His Roots in China & A Refutation against the Assertion that Pan Gu Myth Is Foreign Pan Yue : The Inconsistency between His Moral Quality and Poetic Quality

  20. 《郊居赋》可属《文选》赋“志”类,但沈约《郊居赋》与“志”类潘岳《闲居赋》,意思有重复之处;

    Jiao Ju Fu could be classified in the type of Zhi in Wenxuan , but there are some repetitions with Pan Yue 's Xian Ju Fu of the same type .

  21. 潘岳说:连代表中央政府行使权力的环保总局都进不去,由地方政府管辖的地方环保部门能进去吗?

    If even Sepa , exercising the authority of the central government , cannot gain access , then how could environmental protection departments under the local government ever get in ? he said .

  22. 潘岳因其姿容甚美和才华横溢,不仅赢得了当时社会的广泛认同,而且对后世产生了深远的影响。

    Pan Yue , because of its appearance was very beautiful and talented , not only won the wide recognition of the society at that time , and had a profound impact on future generations .

  23. 六朝、隋唐时期对潘岳的评价相当高,评论家无论是对潘岳之为人还是对其文学创作而言,都基本上持肯定的态度。

    Six Dynasties , Sui and Tang dynasties Pan Yue , the evaluation is quite high , critics whether it is Pan Yue , the man or his literary creation , is basically a positive attitude .

  24. 悼亡诗词自《诗经》中便已初见端倪,自潘岳《悼亡诗》三首问世后得到了确认,正式成为诗歌的一种创作题材,并从此发扬光大,涌现出大量的优秀作者及作品。

    Bereavements poems from the odes has shown its initial grandeur . the pan yue bereavements three first book of poetry after confirmed and formally become one of the themes of poetry , paramount , and a lot of good work .

  25. 潘岳表示,中国七大水系中,26%的水体受到严重污染,与人体接触会导致危险后果,或者已丧失基本的生态功能。

    Mr Pan said 26 per cent of the water in China 's seven biggest river systems had been found to be so polluted that it was dangerous to come into contact with or had lost the capacity for basic ecological function .

  26. 潘岳和陆机共同生活在西晋时代,这使得他们的诗歌内容都不同程度打上了时代的烙印,但又因个人差异而有着各自不同的内容取向和情感内涵。

    Pan and Lu live together in the Western Jin Dynasty , which makes the content of their poems are marked with the times somewhat . But their content of poem are different in orientation and emotional connotations because of the personal differences .

  27. 在西晋国运昌盛之时,士人可以一展雄心壮志,实现抱负之际,潘岳却仕途不顺,遂加快了追逐功名利禄的脚步,这在他的诗文中多次呈现出来。

    The flourishing in the Western Jin Dynasty , scholar can show ambition to achieve aspirations of the occasion , Pan career will not ring true , then accelerate the pace of chasing fame and fortune , which presented several times in his poetry .

  28. 对其作品的引用,主要表现在引用词语或成句、袭用意象、引用篇名等方面。此外,潘岳的诗文被编入《文选》,这也是其作品接受的表现形式之一。

    Their works of reference , mainly in reference to words or sentences , Xiyong image reference Version . In addition , Pan Yue , the poetry is incorporated into the " Selected Works ", which is the work accepted by one of the manifestations .

  29. 潘岳既受儒家思想的影响,又受玄学思想浸润,造就了其复杂而矛盾的思想性格,处在显性层面的是积极入世思想,处在隐性层面的是隐逸思想。

    Pan is well received by the influence of Confucianism , but also by the The Metaphysics infiltration , creating a complex and contradictory ideological character , at the dominant level of involvement in the world of thought , at the implicit level of seclusion thinking .

  30. 本章首先探讨了潘岳哀诔文的主题类型、风格特征,然后对潘岳哀诔文的创作时间进行了考证,最后论述了潘岳诔文的创作观及其对前代文学的继承与发展。

    This chapter first discusses the Pan sad eulogy text of the topic type , style , and then the Pan sorrow Memorial Essays creation time to research , and finally discusses the inheritance and development of the concept of the creation of the Pan Memorial Essays previous generation literature .