
  • 网络Vikram Pandit
  1. 周二,花旗集团的股东们投票,否决了给CEO潘伟迪2011年涨薪1500万美元的方案。

    Shareholders at Citigroup ( c ) on Tuesday voted against giving CEO Vikram Pandit a $ 15 million raise for 2011 .

  2. 潘伟迪(vikrampandit)领导下的花旗集团,可能会通过股票发行来补充更多资本金。

    Citi , which is headed by Vikram Pandit , might add more capital through an equity offering .

  3. 哈文思曾与潘伟迪共同创立OldLane对冲基金,这家基金后来被花旗收购。

    Havens had co-founded old lane hedge fund with Pandit , which Citi subsequently purchased .

  4. 有鉴于此,以及往届CEO的薪酬,潘伟迪应该赚900万美元左右,而不是1500万美元。

    By that measure , and past CEO compensation , Pandit should be making roughly $ 9 million , not $ 15 million .

  5. 潘伟迪还告诉读者们,他支持所谓的沃尔克法则(Volckerrule),这项法则将限制银行以自有资金对股票和债券进行投机。

    Pandit also told the audience he supported the so-called Volcker rule , which would restrict banks from speculating on stocks and bonds with their own capital .

  6. 美国财政部和美联储(Fed)不希望看到一个英国风格的非执行董事长,每周从伦敦乘飞机过来呆上两三天,监督潘伟迪的表现。

    The Treasury and the Federal Reserve do not want a British-style non-executive chairman who flies in from London two or three days a week to look over Mr Pandit 's shoulder .

  7. 自上世纪70年代初,潘伟迪离开印度中部的那格浦尔家乡,来到纽约哥伦比亚大学(Columbiauniversity)上学起,这种低调的作风就一直是他的特色。

    That low-key demeanour has characterised Mr Pandit ever since he left his native Nagpur , in central India , and moved to New York to attend Columbia University in the early 1970s .

  8. 直到花旗集团(Citigroup)CEO潘伟迪薪酬上涨4999999%,华尔街才终于迎来了检验多德-弗兰克法案中“薪酬话语权”条例的时刻。

    It took a 14,999,999 % pay increase to finally put the " say on pay " regulations in the Dodd-Frank bank reform to the test on Wall Street .

  9. 该行最终选择了5个月前才加盟花旗的投资银行家潘伟迪(vikrampandit)。

    The bank eventually tapped Vikram Pandit , an investment banker who had joined Citi just five months earlier .

  10. 这些评语对克赖恩来说却不太吉利。2012年潘伟迪(VikramPandit)意外辞去花旗集团(Citigroup)首席执行官一职时,当时对他的评语与此如出一辙。

    Ominously for Mr Cryan , these comments echoed those made about Vikram Pandit when he unexpectedly stepped down as Citigroup 's CEO in 2012 .

  11. 上周早些时候,花旗集团(Citigroup)首席执行官潘伟迪告诉分析师们,别把巴克莱银行(Barclays)4.50亿美元的Libor和解金额视为标杆,好像花旗也要支付这么多钱。

    Earlier this week , Citigroup CEO Vikram Pandit told analysts not to use Barclays ' $ 450 million LIBOR settlement as a guidepost for what his firm might have to pay .

  12. 很少在公开场合谈论此类跨国热点问题的潘伟迪(VikramPandit)上周四在纽约的确这么做了。

    But Vikram Pandit , who rarely discusses such cross-border , hot-button issues in public , did just that on Thursday in New York .

  13. 潘伟迪的一个最大仰慕者是美国前财长罗伯特•鲁宾(RobertRubin)。鲁宾已在花旗董事会呆了8年,是这次潘伟迪获得任命的主要幕后推手。

    One of his biggest fans is Robert Rubin , the former US Treasury secretary who has been on the Citi board for eight years , and was a prime mover behind his appointment .

  14. 当然,偶尔也会有亚裔走上企业高管的位置,比如雅芳公司(AvonProducts)首席执行官钟彬娴,还有花旗集团(Citigroup)首席执行官潘伟迪。

    Granted , every now and then someone who identifies as Asian or Asian American scales the corporate heights , like Andrea Jung , CEO of Avon products ( AVP ) , and Citigroup ( c ) chief Vikram Pandit .

  15. 潘伟迪表示,花旗控股(CitiHoldings)继续出售业务,将有助于为亚洲的增长机遇提供资金。花旗控股持有花旗的非核心资产,其中包括美国次贷。

    The continuing sale of businesses in Citi Holdings , a unit that holds the bank 's non-core assets including US subprime mortgages , would help provide capital to fund growth opportunities in Asia , said Mr Pandit .

  16. 监管机构此举突显出对花旗财务健康状况、企业治理和以首席执行官潘伟迪(VikramPandit)为首的管理团队能力的担忧。

    The regulator 's action highlights Citi 's financial health , governance and the strength of its management team , led by Vikram Pandit , chief executive .

  17. 知情人士表示,潘伟迪和其他高管将宣布的具体计划尚未最终敲定,可能会出现变化。在查克•普林斯(ChuckPrince)离职后,潘伟迪于去年12月份接管花旗。

    People close to the situation said the detailed plans to be announced by Mr Pandit , who took over in December after the departure of Chuck Prince , and other top executives had not yet been finalised and could change .

  18. 但他因未能更好地指导和监督首次出任首席执行官的潘伟迪(vikrampandit)而受到一些董事和花旗高管的批评。

    But he has been criticised by some board directors and Citi executives for failing to guide and supervise Vikram Pandit , a first-time chief executive , better .

  19. 首席执行官潘伟迪(vikrampandit)昨日表示,尽管美国零售银行业务举步维艰,第四季度勉强实现盈亏平衡,但它仍是该行的一项核心业务。

    Vikram Pandit , chief executive , said yesterday that the struggling US retail bank , which barely broke even in the fourth quarter , remained a core business .

  20. 花旗集团(citigroup)首席执行官潘伟迪(vikrampandit)表示,应当强制银行公开其衡量风险的方法,以便投资者能够“惩罚”那些对自身资产质量过于乐观的机构。

    The chief executive of Citigroup has said banks should be forced to publicise how they measure risk so that investors can " punish " institutions that are too optimistic about the quality of their assets .

  21. 尽管花旗集团股价上周大幅下跌,但该公司首席执行长潘伟迪(VikramPandit)等高管都坚称,股票下跌不会对公司造成威胁,因为花旗仍有足够的资本和流动性。

    As Citigroup shares fell last week , Chief Executive Vikram Pandit and other top executives insisted that the plunge wasn 't a threat because the company has plenty of capital and liquidity .

  22. 此举凸显出了首席执行官潘伟迪(vikrampandit)正在推动的战略改变,旨在重建已承受数十亿美元亏损,并多次接受政府纾困的花旗。

    The move underlines a shift in strategy being championed by Vikram Pandit , chief executive , in order to rebuild a company that has suffered billions of dollars in losses and has been repeatedly bailed out by the government .

  23. 此次反弹没有什么具体的原因,不过分析师和交易员都提到了花旗首席执行官潘伟迪(vikrampandit)传阅的一份内部员工备忘录,该备忘录称,今年前两个月花旗实现了盈利。

    There were few concrete reasons to explain the rebound , but analysts and traders pointed to an internal staff memo circulated by the Citigroup chief executive , Vikram Pandit , claiming the bank had been profitable in the first two months of the year .

  24. 但可能的情况是,潘伟迪将保持花旗的完整。

    But the betting is that he will keep it together .

  25. 虽然如此,潘伟迪还是从这桩交易中赚进了1.65亿美元。

    Nonetheless , Pandit pocketed $ 165 million on the deal .

  26. 我们正在积极洽谈,潘伟迪表示。

    We are in active conversations , said Mr Pandit .

  27. 欧智华和潘伟迪也都在进行投资。

    Both Mr Gulliver and Mr Pandit are also investing .

  28. 潘伟迪,你的信息不明确。

    Vikram , you do not have a clear message .

  29. 与此同时,潘伟迪与监管机构以及公司股东的关系一直让人担忧。

    Meanwhile , his relations with regulators and investors have been fraught .

  30. 不过,花旗董事会的确有充足理由让潘伟迪离开。

    The board had ample reason to let him go , however .