
  • 网络The Astors;The astor family
  1. 如今,阿斯特家族、洛厄尔家族和卡波特家族已经被佩罗家族(罗斯・佩罗)、希尔家族(麦格劳・希尔,McGrawHill)和凯悦酒店(HyattHotel)的普利兹克家族(Pritzkers)所取代了。

    Today , the Astors , Lowells and Cabots have been replaced by Perots ( as in Ross ) , McGraws ( of McGraw Hill ) and Pritzkers ( of Hyatt Hotels ) .

  2. 如今,由像范德比尔特和阿斯特这样家族构造的小别墅,最近作为博物馆向公众开放。

    Today , the cottages , which were built by families such as the Vanderbilts and the Astors , are mostly museums open to the public .