
  • 网络pbs;public broadcasting service
  1. 台湾的公共电视网出人意料的出高价的商业频道的权利金在今年夏天转播洋基的比赛。

    Taiwan 's public television network unexpectedly outbid commercial channels for the rights to broadcast Yankees games here this summer .

  2. 据芬兰公共电视网芬兰广播公司报道,在上周六的比赛中,18岁的埃林•卡尔亚莱宁把手机扔出惊人的101.46米远,获得冠军。

    Eighteen-year-old Ere Karjalainen launched a phone the " amazing " distance of 101.46 metres , Finnish public television network YLE said after Saturday 's event .

  3. 分析人士查理·库克在接受公共事务电视网CSPAN采访时指出,随着2012年竞选的临近,就业形势尤为重要。

    Analyst Charlie Cook told the CSPAN public-affairs network the jobs situation in particular is critically important as the2012 campaign draws closer .