
pān pǔ luò nà
  • Pamplona
  1. 我也一样地爱上了潘普洛纳,这完全不是因为我是金牛座,或是由于那位女孩菲莉帕(Philippa)的缘故。

    I too fell in love with Pamplona , not because of anything taurine , and not because anything developed with Philippa .

  2. 1983年春天,我前往西班牙,开始了一项改变我一生的勘察行动。我所停靠的第一个港口是潘普洛纳(Pamplona)。

    When I set off for Spain on a life-changing reconnaissance mission in the spring of 1983 , my first port of call was Pamplona .

  3. 没关系,我想Serena,肯定知道该怎么做,她有那么多经验,和寄宿学校的教授和潘普洛纳的斗牛士啦,和好朋友的男朋友啦……

    Vanessa : It 's okay . I 'm sure Serena knows what to do what with her vast experiences with boarding school professors , pamplonian bullfighters , best friends ' boyfriends ...

  4. 我们约好在潘普洛纳会面。

    We arranged to meet at pamplona .

  5. 接下来那两天里,我们在潘普洛纳平静无事,没有再发生争吵。

    The next two days in Pamplona were quiet , and there were no more rows .

  6. 上千名刺激追求者为了测试自己的勇气,在西班牙的潘普洛纳街头上追着六头斗牛奔跑。

    And several thousand thrill-seekers tested their bravery by dashing alongside six fighting bulls through the streets of Pamplona .

  7. 您又发现在西班牙城市潘普洛纳自己-著名的圣佛明节每年回家!

    Once again you find yourself in the Spanish city of Pamplona-the home of the famous annual festival of San Fermin !

  8. 不管是在美国橄榄球超级联赛,世界小姐比赛上,还是潘普洛纳的奔牛节,温布尔登网球公开赛的决赛上,他都裸奔过。

    His streaks includes the Super Bowl , Miss World , the running of the bulls in Pamplona and the Wimbledon final .

  9. 每年从7月7日至14日成千上万的人到潘普洛纳开始庆祝西班牙最有名的奔牛节,纪念纳瓦拉首都的守护神&圣佛明。

    Every year from July7th-14th thousands pack into Pamplona to start Spain 's most fa ­ mous bull-running fiesta to honour Navarre capital 's patron saint , San Fermin .

  10. 周日,西班牙北部潘普洛纳城的居民们在公园内集体跳华尔兹,欢庆为期八天的圣佛明节。

    People in the city of Pamplona enjoy a waltz in a park in the northern Spanish city as the city celebrates the eight-day Fiesta de San Fermin on Sunday .

  11. 2004年7月6日,我和几个朋友驱车前往西班牙北部的潘普洛纳地区,那里即将举行一年一度的著名的奔牛节。

    My friends and I arrived at Pamplona in northern Spain on July 6,2004 . It was the eve of the fiesta , the world famous annual running of the bulls in Pamplona .

  12. 地方政府周四在一份声明中说,三人依然在地区首府潘普洛纳的医院内。潘普洛纳因一年一度的圣福明节举行的公牛节而著名。

    The regional government said in a statement Thursday that three people remained in hospitals in the regional capital of Pamplona , best known for its annual San Fermin running of the bulls festival .

  13. 米格尔·马丁内斯-冈萨雷斯教授,现任位于西班牙潘普洛纳市的纳瓦拉大学公共健康学院主席,领导了这项研究。他讲道,“看电视是项主要的久坐行为,且现在各种形式的久坐行为都开始增加了。”

    Professor Miguel Martinez-Gonzalez , chair of the Department of Public Health at the University of Navarra in Pamplona , who led the study , said ' Television viewing is a major sedentary behaviour and there is an increasing trend toward all types of sedentary behaviours .