
jí tā
  • guitar
吉他 [jí tā]
  • [guitar] 弦乐器,长琴颈,有六条琴弦,用拨子或手指拨奏

吉他[jí tā]
  1. 他最新的激光唱片里有一些吉他曲弹得非常精彩。

    There 's some nifty guitar work on his latest CD .

  2. 那把吉他已尘封多年。

    That guitar 's been sitting gathering dust for years now .

  3. 录音录到一半吉他手溜走了。

    The guitarist went AWOL in the middle of the recording .

  4. 他拿起吉他拨动起琴弦来。

    He took the guitar and plucked at the strings .

  5. 这本书有100多首歌的歌词和吉他奏法谱。

    The book contains lyrics and guitar tablatures for over 100 songs .

  6. 隔壁有人在弹吉他。

    Someone was twanging a guitar in the next room .

  7. 他边唱边拨着吉他。

    As he sang , he strummed his guitar .

  8. 她边唱边弹吉他。

    As she sang she strummed on a guitar .

  9. 她用她的吉他弹了一支曲子。

    She played a tune on her guitar .

  10. 他弹起吉他来显得轻松自如。

    He made playing the guitar look effortless .

  11. 这吉他弹起来很惬意。

    This guitar is a delight to play .

  12. 她在乐队里弹奏吉他。

    She plays guitar in a band .

  13. 你会弹吉他吗?

    Do you play the guitar ?

  14. 由杰基∙卡雷拉演奏低音吉他。

    Jackie Carrera on bass .

  15. 吉他200英镑,可还价。

    Guitar £ 200 o.n.o.

  16. 库尔特起初在一个摇滚乐队弹低音吉他。

    Kurt had started out playing bass in a rock band .

  17. 她在试着教他弹吉他。

    She was trying to teach him to play the guitar .

  18. 布朗卡因为弹出刺耳的电吉他声而有些让人讨厌。

    Bronka is somewhat infamous for his screeching electric guitar work .

  19. 里奇并非在摆样子,只是他的吉他弹得声音很小罢了。

    Richey 's not miming , he 's playing very quiet guitar

  20. 原声吉他、贝斯和康茄鼓为她伴奏。

    She was backed by acoustic guitar , bass and congas .

  21. 1970年,吉他手吉米·亨德里克斯因服药过量而死亡。

    In 1970 , guitarist Jimi Hendrix died of a drug overdose .

  22. 安开始弹吉他时,莫莉感到有些难堪。

    Molly had cringed when Ann started picking up the guitar

  23. 他在教堂的乐队里弹吉他,度过了他的青少年时期。

    He spent his adolescent years playing guitar in the church band .

  24. 那是一首夹杂着撩拨的吉他声和密集的鼓点的激情四射的歌曲。

    The song is a fiery mix of twanging guitar with relentless drumming

  25. 她微笑着致了谢,把胳膊下面的吉他调整了一下。

    She smiled her thanks and arranged the guitar under her arm .

  26. 达菲粗糙的吉他演奏技巧远不够水平。

    Duffy 's primitive guitar playing is well below par

  27. 我做了一把吉他,并把它漆成了红色。

    I made a guitar and painted it red .

  28. 3个头发蓬乱的男人没腔没调地乱弹着吉他。

    Three shaggy-haired men thrash tunelessly at their guitars .

  29. 他从50年代早期开始表演吉他弹唱。

    He began performing in the early fifties , singing and playing guitar .

  30. 一个青年独自坐在角落里,轻轻地弹着吉他。

    In the corner , one youth sat alone , softly strumming a guitar