
  • 网络flamingo;Flamenco Dance
  1. 【他用传统工艺制作手工古典吉他和弗拉明戈吉他。】

    He builds handmade classical and flamenco guitars using traditional methods of construction .

  2. 考古,射箭,天体物理,弗拉明戈舞和服装设计。

    Favorite hobbies include archeology , archery , astrophysics , flamenco dancing , and designing clothes .

  3. 他一直在一家叫弗拉明戈的酒吧工作。

    He 's been working at a bar called the Flamingo .

  4. 西班牙音乐家、世界上最伟大的弗拉明戈吉他演奏家之一帕哥·德路西亚去世。

    Spanish musician , Paco de Lucia , one of the world 's greatest flamenco guitarists died .

  5. 了解学习莎萨和弗拉明戈舞,同巴西人一起尽情足球!

    Learn how to dance Salsa and Flamenco , go play football with the guys from Brazil !

  6. 德路西亚在成年后,开始将传统的弗拉明戈音乐与来自巴西的音乐以及爵士乐和流行乐相融合。

    As he matured , de Lucia started mixing traditional flamenco with music from Brazil , and jazz and pop .

  7. 舞蹈形式多种多样,从古典芭蕾到嘻哈艺术、肚皮舞、弗拉明戈以及民间舞。

    There are many different forms of dance , ranging from classical ballet to hip-hop , belly dancing , flamenco and traditional folk dances .

  8. 西班牙的弗拉明戈舞,是随着吉普赛人流浪而形成的世界著名舞蹈,风格鲜明,传统深厚。

    Flamingo dance of Spain was the world famous dance formed out of the wandering of Gypsies , which was with the special style and rich tradition .

  9. 我们的舞蹈课程针对成人及小孩,舞种包括芭蕾、现代爵士、街头爵士、现代舞、弗拉明戈、肚皮舞、普拉提、拉丁及街舞雷鬼等。

    Our dance classes for both adults and children , include Ballet , Neo-Jazz , Street Jazz , Modern , Flamenco , Belly , Pilates , Latin , Reggea , etc.

  10. 马拉嘿艺术团精彩演绎了端庄的弗拉明戈舞蹈、快乐的小丑,并同观众一起沉浸在当代马戏的诗意中。

    All this does that Malaje has got various starting points , from the purest flamenco severity to the geniality of clowns , passing through moments of pure poetry of contemporary circus .

  11. 法雅将西班牙音乐的精髓&弗拉明戈艺术和吉他音响融入到这首作品中,使这首作品带有很强的民族色彩。

    Falla integrated both Flamenco music , the essence of the Spanish music , and the sounds of the guitar into this work , which make it be with strong national flavor .