
  • 网络Francois I;francis i;Francis I of France
  1. 当年达芬奇就是带着此画应法王弗朗索瓦一世的邀请来到法国的。

    Leonardo da Vinci came to France with the painting , invited by French king Fran ç ois Ist .

  2. 在那的三年前,已经65岁的达·芬奇离开意大利,应法国国王弗朗索瓦一世的邀请来到法兰西。此后直到去世,这位文艺复兴巨匠再未回到家乡。

    Three years ago , the Renaissance man , 65 , left Italy - and never to return - for France upon King Francis I 's invitation .

  3. 达·芬奇去世后,他最亲密的助手沙莱成为遗产继承人;弗朗索瓦一世就向他买下了达·芬奇的遗作,这些画作后来就成为卢浮宫的馆藏。

    After Leonardo 's death , the king purchased from Salai , the painter 's assistant and heir to his legacies , the paintings which now become the Louvre 's collections .