
  • 网络Crimea autonomous republic;Crimea;Autonomous Republic of Crimea
  1. 波克隆斯卡娅是由克里米亚自治共和国部长理事会主席SergeyAksyonov在一次官员出席的会议中推荐的。

    Ms Poklonskaya was introduced by Sergey Aksyonov , Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea , at a ceremony attended by officials .

  2. 周四,克里米亚自治共和国议会投票决定,克里米亚加入俄罗斯。

    On Thursday , the parliament of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea voted to become part of Russia .

  3. 法令表明,基于乌克兰宪法和克里米亚自治共和国宪法,任何地区公投都是违法的。

    The decree says Under the Constitution of Ukraine as well as the Constitution of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea , any regional referendum is illegal .