
  • 网络Clark University;Clark College;Clark U
  1. 新英格兰的克拉克大学为学生提供当地特产和乳制品,并有可以免费咨询的营养师。

    Clark University in New England serves local produce and dairy , and has a nutritionist on staff who students can meet with free of charge .

  2. 克拉克大学的那项调查发现,18-21岁年龄段的年轻人中有28%的人定期从父母那里得到生活费,这个比例在26-29岁年龄段下降到了6%。

    The Clark University survey found that while 28 % of 18-to-21-year-olds get regular support from their parents for living expenses , the rate declined to 6 % among 26-to-29-year-olds .

  3. 克拉克大学最近对全国1000多名刚成年的年轻人所做的一项问卷调查发现,72%的人说人生的这一阶段充满压力,33%的人称他们经常感到郁闷。

    And a recent survey by Clark University , which polled more than 1,000 young adults nationwide , found that 72 % said this time of life was stressful and 33 % said they were often depressed .

  4. 同性恋父母“比异性恋父母普遍更有动力、更勇于承担,因为他们做父母是出自自己的选择,”艾比•高伯如是说,她是马萨诸塞州克拉克大学的心理学家,研究同性恋父母对子女的养育。

    Gay parents " tend to be more motivated , more committed than heterosexual parents on average , because they chose to be parents , " said Abbie Goldberg , a psychologist at Clark University in Massachusetts who researches gay and lesbian parenting .

  5. 到了克拉克上大学的时候,她已经决定做一个每天都和鱼一起学习和工作的鱼类研究者。

    When it was time for Eugenie to go to college , she knew she wanted to be an ichthyologist-a person who studies and works with fish .

  6. 克拉克是加州大学戴维斯分校(universityofcalifornia,davis)一位经济历史学家,他搜集了众多精妙的论据和论点,来支持自己的论断,而且在做出一些骇人听闻的推论方面毫不退缩。

    Mr Clark , an economic historian at the University of California , Davis , has gathered a wealth of intriguing evidence and argument in support of this claim , and does not flinch from drawing some disturbing inferences .

  7. 仔细了解过瓦兹、克拉克和麦凯剑桥大学的一名物理学家等人的观点之后,我的看法是,不要指望志愿者们能够理清这一团谜宫般的决定。

    After picking through the ideas of Vaze , Clark , David MacKay ( a Cambridge physicist ) and others , my view is that it is hopeless to expect that volunteers will navigate this maze of decisions .