
kè qiū yà yǔ
  • Quechua
  1. 语言:西班牙和克丘亚语为官方语言,通用阿伊马拉语。

    Language : Spanish and Quechua are the official languages , and Aymara is widely used .

  2. 瓦伦蒂尼表示,WeFarm也在考虑提供克丘亚语翻译,这种语言在玻利维亚、秘鲁和厄瓜多尔广泛使用。

    Ms Valentini says WeFarm is also looking at providing translations in Quechua , which is widely spoken in Bolivia , Peru and Ecuador .

  3. 在遥远的库索(Cuso)山区,一个七岁女童自信地朗读着用土著克丘亚(Quechua)语编写的同样的课文。

    Far away , in the mountains of Cuso , a7-year-old girl confidently reads the same text in her native Quechua .