
  • 网络atahualpa
  1. PilarMoya以前从未想过自己竟然能做生意,她来自阿塔瓦尔帕,一个住在厄瓜多尔的安第斯山脉上可怜女人。

    The idea of starting her own business seemed impossible to Pilar Moya , a poor woman from Atahualpa high in Ecuador 's Andes Mountains .

  2. 皮札罗和手下羊狠狼贪,最初装作友好,骗阿塔瓦尔帕前来会面,然后绑架了他,又屠杀了他没带武器的随从。

    Vicious and greedy , Pizarro and his men at first pretended friendship , tricked Atahualpa into meeting with them , and then kidnapped him and massacred his unarmed followers .

  3. 那些西班牙人取得赎金之后,就准备把阿塔瓦尔帕绑在柱上烧死,到阿塔瓦尔帕最后一刻改信基督,他们才「大发慈悲」:把他吊死算了。

    The Spaniards took the ransom , and then get ready to burn Atahualpa at the stake until he made a last-minute conversion to Christianity , which prompted them to show " mercy ": they hanged him instead .