
xī bān yá rén
  • Spaniard
  1. 他领先那个西班牙人到达终点,同时也首次作为职业选手获得计时赛的胜利。

    He finished ahead of the Spaniard , and in the process picked up his first time trial win as a pro

  2. 这名21岁的球员一度被与皇家马德里联系在一起,但是deMoya表示他对于阿森纳想要在未来长期留住西班牙人感到很高兴。

    The21-year-old has been linked with a move to Real Madrid , but de Moya stated his delight that Arsenal want to keep the Spaniard for years to come .

  3. 我们西班牙人太爱窝里斗了。

    We Spaniards have lined up against each other all too often .

  4. 西班牙人卡洛斯·赛恩斯在新西兰摩托车公路大赛中夺冠。

    Carlos Sainz of Spain has won the New Zealand Motor Rally .

  5. 西班牙人担心德国投资者放弃西班牙而转向东欧。

    Spaniards are worried about German investors deserting Spain for Eastern Europe .

  6. 根据他的名字我猜测何塞一定是西班牙人。

    I guessed from his name that Jose must have been Spanish .

  7. 西班牙人于16世纪征服了新大陆。

    The Spanish conquered the New World in the sixteenth century .

  8. 这是当地西班牙人的一个社区。

    Here is a local Spanish community .

  9. 西班牙人曾经统治过南美洲的大部分地区。

    The Spanish had dominion over most of South america .

  10. 例如,俄罗斯人、法国人和西班牙人可以使用沉默来表示对双方讨论议题的认同。

    For example , Russian , French , and Spanish persons may use silence to show agreement between parties about the topic under discussion .

  11. 西班牙人俱乐部已经拒绝了签下AC米兰后卫达里奥-西米奇的机会。

    Espanyol have rejected the chance to sign AC Milan defender Dario Simic .

  12. 周六,C罗(克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多)代表皇马在对阵西班牙人的比赛中,独中五元帮助皇马6-0大胜对手,同时也凭借这五个进球超越劳尔,成为皇马在西甲联赛上的得分王。

    Cristiano Ronaldo overtook Raul as Real Madrid 's leading all-time scorer in La Liga by netting five goals in a 6-0 rout of Espanyol Saturday .

  13. 估算2005年西班牙人和动物罹患囊型包虫病(CE)导致的所有经济损失。

    To estimate the overall economic losses due to human and animal cystic echinococcosis ( CE ) in Spain in2005 .

  14. Grapes(葡萄)西班牙人会在新年的夜晚吃掉12颗葡萄——每一粒葡萄就代表一个时辰。

    New Year 's revelers in Spain consume twelve grapes at midnight - one grape for each stroke of the clock .

  15. 这使得纳瓦斯能够证明胜过卡西利亚斯,在C罗早早破门之前,他扑出了西班牙人前锋凯塞多的射门,使西班牙人没能过早领先。

    It has allowed Keylor Navas to prove he can succeed Iker Casillas and his fine save from Felipe Caicedo did prevent Espanyol from taking an early lead before the goals starting flowing at the other end .

  16. 世界卫生组织(WorldHealthOrganization)近来一份报告指出加工肉品与肠癌有关。消息一出,冒犯了不少西班牙人。世世代代,他们都吃着以这种方式腌制出来的火腿。

    So when the World Health Organization , in a recent report , linked processed meats to colorectal cancer , the news came as an affront to many Spaniards , who have been eating cured hams produced this way for generations .

  17. 穆雷在过去的26场比赛中取得了25次胜利:唯一一次失利是败给世界排名第二的西班牙人拉斐尔纳达尔。穆雷的上佳表现使得费天王8年来首次被挤出了ATP排名榜三甲。

    Murray 's 25th victory from 26 matches - his only loss coming to world No. 2 Rafael Nadal of Spain - sends Federer out of the top three for the first time in eight years .

  18. 几年后,AmaproLasén又回到伦敦、巴黎和马德里这三个地方,人们使用电话的方式已经基本上相同了(尽管西班牙人仍排斥语音信箱)。

    When Ms Las é n went back to London , Paris and Madrid a few years later , phone behaviour had , by and large , become the same in the different cities ( although Spaniards still rejected voicemail ) .

  19. 追加资本后,EIB反倒可以可以利用更多资本去借贷,然后投资,以支持结构改革,从而向西班牙人和意大利人表明,他们的牺牲将吸引生产性投资。

    Instead , the EIB could use more capital to borrow and then invest to support structural reforms , showing Spaniards and Italians that their sacrifices will draw productive investments .

  20. 西班牙人罗德里戈拉托(rodrigorato)要辞去imf总裁职务,这个决定给法国总统提供了一个意外机会,把又一面三色旗插到一个国际机构上。

    The decision by the Spaniard Rodrigo Rato to stand down as IMF Managing Director offered the French president an unexpected opportunity to plant another tricolour flag on an international institution .

  21. 西班牙人也被问到如何看待落选PFA最佳阵容,最佳门将被乔哈特取得。

    The Spaniard was also quizzed on the omission of Pepe Reina from the PFA Team of the Year , with on loan Birmingham stopper Joe Hart taking the position in goal .

  22. 欧睿公司(euromonitor)的调查显示,欧洲最爱甜食奖要颁给丹麦人和爱尔兰人,他们消费的甜食至少是西班牙人和葡萄牙人的5倍。

    The prize for the sweetest tooth in Europe goes to the Danes and the Irish who consume at least five times as many sweets as the Spanish and Portuguese , according to Euromonitor .

  23. 西班牙人并没有立即采取Cobi,从夏季奥运会的巴塞罗那,是由本地漫画家哈维尔·马里斯卡尔设计的超现实主义的狗。

    The Spaniards did not immediately take to " Cobi ", the surreal dog from the Summer Olympic Games of Barcelona , who was designed by local cartoonist Javier Mariscal .

  24. 西班牙人带着闪耀的履历来到了科克比学院,而在其调教下的U18队正转变成一只踢出华丽足球的球队,这更作证了其证书的成色十足。

    The Spaniard arrived in Kirkby with a glittering CV and has since bolstered his credentials by moulding an U18 side that turned heads with its attractive style of football .

  25. 我在Oberoi在餐馆里和我看这一系列射击和死我做不想再次,拒绝给出他的名字的一个西班牙人告诉路透社。

    I was in the restaurant inside Oberoi and I saw this series of gunshots and death which I don 't want to see again , a Spaniard who declined to give his name told Reuters .

  26. 尽管历史学家Cannonau同意的事实是,在撒丁岛引入西班牙人统治的,目前还不清楚什么是原来的繁杂,它属于。

    Despite historians agree on the fact Cannonau was introduced in Sardinia during the dominion of Spaniards , it is not clear what is the original variety to which it belongs to .

  27. 昨天,零售业巨头Inditex集团的股票上涨了3.8%,其收盘价创历史新高,使得这位76岁的西班牙人财富净增约10亿英镑,将“奥马哈先知”巴菲特赶下了第三位宝座。

    The 76-year-old Spaniard bumped the Oracle of Omaha off the podium after shares in his retail giant Inditex gained 3.8 percent yesterday to close at a record high , pushing his net worth up by around 1billion .

  28. 超过五分之一的西班牙人失业。

    More than one in five Spaniards are out of work .

  29. 那不是西班牙人,是印第安·乔啊!

    ' Tain 't a Spaniard & it 's Injun Joe !

  30. 我听说你就要嫁给一格西班牙人了。

    I hear you 're gettng marred , to a spanard .