
xī hǎi àn
  • west coast
  1. 我一直计划去趟西海岸。

    I had been planning a trip to the West Coast

  2. 葡萄牙探险家已经绘制出了远至塞拉里昂的非洲西海岸地图。

    Portuguese explorers had charted the west coast of Africa as far as Sierra Leone

  3. 西海岸铁路线早在1974年就实现了电气化。

    The west-coast line was electrified as long ago as 1974 .

  4. 苏格兰西海岸的这一段完全暴露在大西洋海风前。

    This part of the west coast of Scotland is very exposed to Atlantic winds .

  5. 洛杉矶成为西海岸的金融中心,那位74岁的市长功不可没。

    The 74-year-old mayor is credited with helping make Los Angeles the financial capital of the West Coast

  6. 西海岸公司是一家大型国际贸易公司。

    West Coast Corps is a large international trade corporation .

  7. 斯坦福大学是美国西海岸的一所世界著名大学。

    Stanford is a world famous university on the west coast of the U.S. .

  8. 海水覆盖了岛屿的西海岸

    The sea transgresses along the west coast of the island .

  9. 西海岸战后咖啡店式建筑的狂热追随者(卡拉尔安马林)来自互联网

    West Coast aficionados of postwar coffee-shop architecture ( Karal Ann Marling )

  10. 第一国(FirstNations)人在西海岸地区发明了哪种独特的艺术形式?

    What unique art form was developed by the First Nations people on the West Coast ?

  11. 中国对虾遗传多样性的RAPD分析&朝鲜半岛西海岸群体的DNA多态性

    Genetic diversity analysis on PENEUS chinensis by rapd ── the DNA polymorphism of western coastal population of Korean Peninsular

  12. 1977年时他需要参加西海岸电脑展来展示苹果II型机,而不得不穿西装。

    He needed one for the 1977 for the West Coast Computer Faire , where he presented the Apple II .

  13. 当艾丽丝·沃特斯(AliceWaters)发起“从农场到餐桌”运动时,谢勒正好在美国西海岸工作。

    He worked on the West Coast when Alice Waters was building the farm-to-table movement . '

  14. 许多青年男子现在都选择身穿V领T恤、铅笔裤、大头运动鞋,搭配一顶出人意料的浅顶软呢帽,俨然一副上世纪50年代的美国西海岸look。

    Droves of young men add the ironically formal fedora to their V-neck T-shirts , skinny jeans and chunky * sneakers for a1950s , West Coast look .

  15. 当你谈论美国时,你经常要用到地理名词thewestcoast/西海岸;theeastcoast/东海岸。

    When you talk about the USA , you often use the geographical terms the west coast / the west coast ; the east coast / the east coast .

  16. 想象欧洲西海岸外有10个被统称为平等岛(EqualityIsles)的独立岛国。

    Imagine a Europe with 10 independent island nation states off the western coast collectively known as the Equality Isles .

  17. 在旧金山一个非常舒适的角落,纳斯达克(Nasdaq)正悄悄扩大其西海岸业务。

    In a very pleasant corner of San Francisco , Nasdaq is quietly expanding its West Coast operations .

  18. 据戈登说,当时两人都粗口连篇,这段对话在ABC的西海岸播出中被删掉。

    at the time , they were deeply profane , and the exchange was cut from the West Coast broadcast , according to Mr. Gordon .

  19. 美国冲浪款休闲服装品牌modernamusement设计师约翰摩尔(johnmoore)表示,就连西海岸喜欢在沙滩上闲逛的人,都在追求新的正式风格。

    According to John Moore , designer of us surf-inspired casual wear brand modern amusement , even the West Coast beach bum is finding a new touch of formality .

  20. 我们拿出AppleII的设计,召开新闻发布会,几个月后AppleII首次在西海岸计算机展览会上露面

    We took this design , and it was virtually done as an Apple II , and tooled it up , and announced it , a few months later at the West Coast Computer Faire .

  21. Potter说,不管我什么时候回到西海岸都会去拜访他,他来纽约的时候我们也会一起吃饭。

    I would visit whenever I went back to the West Coast and have dinner with him when he came to New York , said Potter .

  22. 去年,高盛集团(GoldmanSachs)的高管安东尼·J·诺托(AnthonyJ.Noto)搬到西海岸,成了Twitter的首席财务官。

    A top banker at Goldman Sachs , Anthony J. Noto , moved west last year to become the chief financial officer at Twitter .

  23. 该品牌在美国西海岸最流行,但在亚特兰大市场的PikeNursery也能发现该公司的产品。

    It seems to be more prevalent on the West Coast , although it has been seen at Pike Nursery locations in the Atlanta market .

  24. 或许你也会像我在KirklandHouse见到的那个大四学生一样,她刚从美国西海岸一家著名理财咨询公司的面试回来。

    Or , you might be like the senior I met at lunch at Kirkland who had just returned from an interview on the West Coast with a prestigious consulting firm .

  25. 赫希在纽约摩根大通(J.P.Morgan)工作过几年,后来搬回了西海岸,加入了家族企业。

    After several years at J.P. Morgan in New York , Ms. Hirsch had recently moved back to the West Coast to join the family business .

  26. 研究中排名第一的HawaiianAirlines航供公司飞抵八个西海岸城市、拉斯维加斯、凤凰城,以及夏威夷群岛,菲律宾、澳大利亚,萨摩亚和塔希提岛。

    Hawaiian Airlines , No.1 in the study , flies to eight West Coast cities , Las Vegas and Phoenix in addition to the Hawaiian Islands and to the Philippines , Australia , Samoa and Tahiti .

  27. 周二晚些时候,中海油与加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省政府签署了一项协议,开始研究在加拿大西海岸的鲁珀特王子港(PortofPrinceRupert)建造一个LNG出口厂的可行性。

    Cnooc signed an agreement with the government of British Columbia , a Canadian province , late on Tuesday to examine the viability of an LNG export plant near Prince Rupert , a port city off the western coast of Canada .

  28. 爸爸对Dartmouth评价很高,但我想看看西海岸的学校,你知道的,像南加大,加大洛杉矶分校。

    Nate : Yes , dad 's always spoken very highly of Dartmouth , but I 'd like to check out west . You know , maybe U.S.C. ... U.C.L.A. ...

  29. 位于加州的沃顿商学院旧金山校区距离位于费城宾夕法尼亚大学(UniversityofPennsylvania)的主校区可能有3000英里,但凭借沃顿的品牌、10年的经营和高科技教学手段,该校区在西海岸的企业家教育十分成功,足以让它安然度过风暴。

    It may be 3000 miles from home in Philadelphia at the University of Pennsylvania but , after 10 years in California , the Wharton brand has been successful enough at ingesting west coast entrepreneurship and high-tech energy to enable its San Francisco satellite to steer a course through the storm .

  30. 此外,在投资以色列企业方面,USVP持有非常积极的策略,但仅限于以色列西海岸的企业。

    Plus , we have a very active strategy of investing in Israeli companies , but from the west coast .