
  • 网络WestLife;I have a dream;Seasons In The Sun
  1. BMG唱片也将完全支持西城男孩。

    BMG Records are fully behind Westlife .

  2. 这对恋人是在2005年的一场演唱会的后台相识的,当时西城男孩和凯文所在的组合V同为表演嘉宾。

    The couple first set eyes on each other backstage at the Cheerios Childline Concert in 2005 when Westlife and V , which Kevin used to be a member of , both performed at the event .

  3. 我喜欢听BSB,西城男孩,和刘德华的歌。

    I like songs , specially BSB 's Westlifes'and Andy Liu 's.

  4. 西城男孩刚刚出了本新专辑。

    The new album of Westlife just comes out .

  5. 在解散7年之后,西城男孩要重组回归了。

    Boy band Westlife are getting back together -- seven years after they split .

  6. 鼠帮的歌曲使西城男孩们的嗓音发挥到了极致。

    The Rat Pack songs actually show off the boys ' voices like never before .

  7. 在此前的生涯当中,西城男孩共获得了14首英国冠军单曲和7张畅销专辑。

    Westlife scored 14 UK number one singles and seven top-selling albums during their career .

  8. 西城男孩也是英国流行音乐史上唯一一支头七支单曲空降榜首的乐队。

    Wl boy is British pop history only a first seven single airborne the top band .

  9. 西城男孩还将把他们对“鼠帮”的敬意带到红毯巡回演唱会上。

    Westlife will take their Rat Pack tribute on the road with their Red Carpet Tour .

  10. 我作为个人创作出的音乐将和西城男孩的风格非常不同。

    The music that I would come out with as an individual is quite different to Westlife .

  11. 因为团员布莱恩的离团,西城男孩今日宣布,即将告别以往的五人团体,未来将以四人组合的型态重新出发;

    Westlife today announce that in the tradition of all great groups that they are now a four piece .

  12. 我的爱好还有听音乐,我最喜欢的乐队是西城男孩。

    My a fondness for still has already listen to music , my most favorite music band is the west city boy .

  13. 人们常常这样说,哦,几年前他还是西城男孩的成员,如今他却在煮茶!是啊,我们也颇为感到惊讶。

    People kind of have this thing ' Oh , he was in Westlife a few years ago and now he 's making tea ' .

  14. 而且,马克坚持希望婚礼的每一个细节都做到完美,作为西城男孩的成员要在这些事上做到完美是不可能的。

    And Mark insisted he wants to ensure absolutely every single detail of the day is perfect something he has never had time to do as a member of Westlife .

  15. 这个五人组合,在周六的海选中亮相时被西蒙·考威尔批评说他们把自己组合搞得像“已经过气”的西城男孩组合。(小编注:西城男孩组合可是西蒙一手培养起来的喔!)

    The five-piece , who appeared on Saturday 's audition show , were criticised by Simon Cowell for impersonating groups such as Westlife who are " no longer relevant " .

  16. 面对歌迷,西城男孩表示,此时此刻的他们,更需要比以往更多的鼓励与打气,但是请歌迷放心、也无须揣测,西城男孩并非从此解散。

    Westlife would like to stress to all the fans that they need all their support at this time more than ever but not to worry , Westlife are here to stay .

  17. 西城男孩在其官网发表声明,今天我们宣布,在今年圣诞的精选集及明年的告别巡演后,我们将解散。

    In a statement posted on their website , they said : We today announce our plan to go our separate ways after a greatest hits collection this Christmas and a farewell tour next year .