
  • 网络West Coast Line
  1. 冬天,加拿大的西海岸线是最暖和的地方。

    The west coast of Canada is the warmest place in winter .

  2. 为维尔京西海岸线订购的新型摆式列车

    New Tilting Trains Ordered for Virgin West Coast

  3. 乔治在纽约和丽塔一家共度了几天,随后又在1945年的8月15日一早赶赴西海岸线。

    George stayed with Rita 's family in New York City for a few days before his return to the west coast in the early morning of August 15th , 1945 .

  4. 西海岸铁路线早在1974年就实现了电气化。

    The west-coast line was electrified as long ago as 1974 .

  5. 中石油周二与壳牌(shell)签署了一项初步协议,从其高更(gorgon)项目购买天然气,该项目也位于西澳洲海岸线以外。

    On Tuesday PetroChina signed a preliminary agreement with shell to buy gas from its Gorgon development , also off the Western Australian coast .

  6. 崇明岛,为我国第三大岛。崇明岛位于西太平洋沿岸中国海岸线的中点地区,地处中国最大河流长江入海口。

    Chongming Island , China 's third largest island , is situated at the mouth of the Yangtze River .